
Planned Parenthood Research Paper

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Republican Senator Ted Cruz believes that leaders are lying about wanting to defund Planned Parenthood, or PPFA. Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization centered on helping those with sex education and healthcare. There are many misconceptions about Planned Parenthood that people like Ted Cruz are not willing to look into. Shutting down the healthcare organization could greatly affect adults and youths all over America. If Cruz were successful in shutting down Planned Parenthood, millions of people would be without any form of healthcare, millions of women would no longer have the option of free health exams, and the United States’ youths could be at risk because many of them would live in ignorance about their health. Shutting down the non-profit would leave thousands of people without any form of healthcare. People need to face the truth; affordable healthcare does not come by easy. Many reason exist as to why millions go without healthcare every day. Unlike those choosing not to research what Planned Parenthood does, many people go for general health checkups, sexual education, and, of course, family planning services. Without Planned Parenthood, people would be left in the dark about …show more content…

Someone of the female gender can suffer quite a bit when it comes to health. Infections come easier, breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc. They also help provide contraception, HIV screening, and counseling for those that need it. With the help of Planned Parenthood, women know their bodies better and know how to take better precautions. They are not living in ignorance about their body. Even if a woman did not go in to get checked, they would always have the option. Without the organization, this would not be an option. Those that could not afford going into another hospital would have to deal with it. That could have long-lasting results; death being one of

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