
Pop Culture Research Paper

Decent Essays

Pop Culture Mediums are Our Future Pop culture mediums have only been around since the beginning of the early two thousands. There are so many different pop culture mediums in today’s society. There are mediums for different cultures, ages, and sexes. The pop culture mediums are used on a daily bases by almost everyone around the world. Personally, I use four mediums almost every day. These mediums are: Youtube, Netflix, Snapchat, and Instagram. I began using these four mediums when I was around twelve or thirteen years of age. It started when I got my first iPhone. These mediums are very informative. It is estimated that there are one hundred million users on each of these four mediums. Social media has taken over and become a huge part of our daily routine. The first medium I started using was Youtube. In elementary school and in high school, we used it as a learning source in the classroom. …show more content…

I got my Instagram account when I was in the ninth grade. I fell immediately in love with this app. On Instagram, you upload pictures to your account. People can like your picture. If you upload really good pictures, users can gain a lot of new followers of their accounts. Instagram is also used as a major marketing tool. Many large corporations have used Instagram to get their product well known to the world. Instagram has also led to the decrease in Facebook users as well. Instagram does not have an age restriction on its users. Many Facebook users are under age, therefore making Instagram more popular. Also, Facebook has your information out in the open, when Instagram is completely the opposite. Instagram has a privacy mode. In this mode, users are only allowed to see the other user’s name and picture. I have heard many people on Facebook getting hacked or stalked, and I have never heard that from an Instagram user. Everyone wants to feel safe while online, so I believe Facebook needs to take notes from

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