
Power Transmission Network And Gas Companies

Better Essays

Organization Overview
National Grid is one of the many electric power transmission network and gas companies that serve customers and businesses by using the most reliable and efficiently clean energy for which millions of customers benefit and depend on. The Company has its foundation in the UK and Northeastern US. Its objective is to provide the best performance and reliability to the customers, expand and growth the services throughout many states in the United States. As a whole the company is striving for success by using and developing the talents within the within the organization, new skills and capabilities to compete with others electric companies.
Organization Description
Building trust and confidence from the customer is one …show more content…

Therefore, those threats can be managed, mitigated and prevented beforehand. “By failing to prepare is preparing to fail”. – Benjamin Franklin Leadership Practices
Leadership practices play a very crucial role within the company. A leader can’t do everyone’s job, a proper training and development needs to be in place in order to have good future leaders and the way to have excellent and successful leaders is by teaching and training them at a young age. Therefore, without a good leadership the company would struggle when conflict arises either internally or externally. National Grid is an organization that worries about the lack of future leaders within the company. As a result has foreseen the importance of leadership practices that should exist in every organization in order to have a successful company. Therefore, effective leaders must focus on three decisive key factors of leadership practices. Starting with time management, managers and supervisors should know that this process demands efficiency and good management skills to carry out those activities and high priorities.
Unfortunately, leaders are not prepared or trained to properly address unexpected issues that will time consuming if there’s a lack of knowledge. Time management is one of the biggest concerns

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