
Prenatal Massage Essay

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Prenatal massage is another way for father and mother to bond with the unborn baby. Massage helps the mother relax muscles and promotes a state of well-being. Massage also helps to improve and lymph circulation and blood bringing oxygen and nutrients, resulting in greater viability and better nourishment to the unborn child.
Benefits of massage.
- The benefits of massage include emotional, psychological and physiological benefits. It helps alleviate stress caused by weight.
-Massage is a remedy to discomforts in pregnancy; back pain, cramps, heartburn, headaches, etc.
-Increases the circulation of blood providing more nutrients and oxygen to both the mother and baby, hence removing toxins in the body.
-Helps relieve anxiety and depression caused by hormonal changes. …show more content…

-Prepares the mother-to-be for an easier delivery with its sedating effect on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and stress relief.
-Offers a natural, safe, drug-free alternative for pain relief. Taking medications are often limited during pregnancy for the sake of the unborn child.
-In addition to the physical benefits, prenatal massage provides expecting women with the emotional support and nurturing touch provided by non-sexual human touch and energy.
How to perform Prenatal Massage.
-Mother and father can take lessons from massage therapist during early pregnancy period so that he can do the massage himself. It will help in bringing the emotions and thought of the child hence increasing the bond.
-The expectant woman lies on her side; pillows can be used to prop up, maternity cushioning systems can be utilized, which allow the expectant mother to lie on her stomach, supported by the cushions;

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