Preparation Questions Georgina Canales Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 452: Capstone Summer 2015 Preparation Questions 1. How do you prepare to manage multiple patients? When caring for multiple patients I believe that is essential to have good judgment and confidence in order to provide excellent patient care. Prioritization and critical thinking play a big role when preparing to manage for multiple patients`. The first thing to be completed when arriving to work is to get report from the night/day nurse, so it’s important to get to work on time to get report and plan the day accordingly. When getting report from the nurse I asked myself “what am I going to do first and why” and “what possible things could occur if I don’t …show more content…
I would perform an assessment on my patients and reassess at least every two hours and sometimes more often depending on the patients` condition. Assessing the patients constantly throughout the day is going to help me address any changes in patients’ condition. Time management is an important skill that a nurse should have when caring for multiple patients. A nurse should avoid being overwhelmed by work, because this often leads to errors, stress and leave out important tasks that need to be completed. Gathering all the supplies needed before performing an activity and breaking down a job into parts may be helpful when caring for multiple patients. Documenting all my nursing interventions after each activity would save me time, because waiting until the end of the day increases inaccuracies. Lastly, I would maintain a positive attitude during any challenging situation to achieve outstanding results. 2. What leadership skills are most important? The leadership skills that I consider to be most important are self-awareness, self-confidence, effective communication and time management. Self-awareness is being able to read our own emotions and understand how our emotions can impact our patients and health care team members. “As you work toward greater self-awareness, recognize that nobody makes you feel anything when you’re truly self-aware. In the end, you’re a better caregiver when you take care of
Apart from relationship management, leadership, professionalism, human-resource management, and business expertise are few other key competencies that are required for a leader aspiring to advance in the field of healthcare. (Karen Gordon-Sosby, personal communication, September 17, 2015)
meaning and facilitating learning, developing knowledge, thinking reflectively, communicating, solving problems, making decisions, and working with others (2009). Her perspective of qualities and characteristics of leaders are that she thinks good leaders need to be good listeners. She also thinks that a leader needs to have good communication skills both written and verbal. Communication skills are necessary in health care because it keeps chaos out of daily routines and with patient care. Honesty and integrity are vital ingredients of good leadership; also being able to hold the respect of people, you work for, being able to inspire
Developing leadership abilities early in my life is vital to becoming the person I aspire to be. Having these kinds of skills is something that can help me become a more effective communicator. Communication is necessary in many careers throughout one’s lifetime. Acquiring attributes of a leader
The value and leadership skills in healthcare are both very professions are vital skills that are needed to provide everyday care (Graber, 2008). This literature review will explore the important values and leadership in health care. The review will provide the understandings of both topics. The term value can be determined by a person's standards and principles (Gaudine & Beaton, 2002). According to Grojean, Resick & Diskson (2004) leadership, is an actual way to improve patient`s. A good leader is said to reveal certain roles and behaviors that influence others in the way of positive change and direction. Viinamäki, (2009) back these same ideas but also have confidence in that there is a difference between value and leadership. They believe that leaders are viewed as individuals who can connect through motivation, visions, and inspire positive directions to generate company and organizational change. Graber (2008) impression of leadership can be understood as the capability of one person to impact the behaviors and actions of other people.
The leadership competency assumes complex and advanced roles to initiate and guide change. Leadership fosters collaboration of healthcare members to work together to provide quality, safe and effective patient care. An effective
There are many skills, traits, and behaviors one must possess in order to be an effective leader. The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) has compiled a list of competencies and skills that nurse leaders should be proficient in. The five competency domains identified by AONE (2011) are “communication and relationship building, knowledge of health care environment, leadership skills, professionalism, and business skills” (p. 3). The competency domain I believe is essential for one to possess in order to be an effective executive nurse leader is communication and relationship building. The competencies AONE (2011) listed under the domain communication and relationship building are “effective communication, relationship management, influence of behavior, ability to work with diversity, shared decision-making, community involvement, medical staff relationship, and academic relationships” (p.3). I will discuss how Tom (nurse manager of a psychiatric unit) did not meet these specific characteristics under that domain.
A common goal all healthcare providers share, is the desire to provide excellent patient care. The delivery of care is constantly changing in healthcare, however, the patient will continue to remain the focus of care. The success of nursing care thrives off the ability to fulfill patient needs and to maintain patient safety and satisfaction. When patients are admitted to the hospital, their need for an increase in their level of care and attention, due to the decline in their health status, and inability to preform normal daily activities of daily living. The loss of independence places the patient in a vulnerable state of mind, causing the individual to rely on members of the healthcare team to assist with basic self-care needs while in a stable and well-organized environment. A structured environment can be accomplished through the practice of hourly rounding on all patients.
The leadership self-assessment above indicates own leadership strengths, specifically interpersonal skills. These skills include verbal and non-verbal communication, negotiation, problem-solving, and assertiveness. As a matter of point, interpersonal skills build strong working relationship among employees, hence, improving efficiency in management. Besides, political skills help to manage the organizational politics and reduce workplace conflicts (Hersey, Ken, and Dewey 15). However, self-assessment indicated some weakness in analytical and drama fairness skills that needs development.
Healthcare is a busy, fast paced environment. Nursing Managers have a difficult job of juggling staffing and patient acuity to assure safe and appropriate patient care without over or under staffing. Nurses providing direct patient care voice they are too busy to complete all the required tasks during their shift, such as documentation. However, there are tools available to help increase nurse productivity while providing safe, efficient patient care.
As I continue to grow in the Healthcare field, I plan to incorporate some of the developmental areas suggestions to help with leaderships skills. Having an open mind to new ideas will allow me to challenge myself and to make
According to McConell (2012), the difference in a leader and a follower determines the success of a person regarding leadership. This chapter helps explain the content of qualities and proficiency for healthcare managers to be effective. Once again, effective management skills or certain qualifications enhance a healthcare organization environment. Healthcare managers and supervisors must have the capacity to handle challenges while the organization objectives and regulations may change over a period of time. Effective healthcare management governs the success of a healthcare organization. There are many different skill sets and leadership styles to be effective as a manager. People are interested in knowing what strategies are effective
The nurse must be accountable and follow up on all delegated tasks to ensure that they are completed in a satisfactory manner. To achieve the best level of patient care the nurse must have knowledge of group dynamics and be able to communicate with all levels of the health care team. The AD nurse must be able to adapt to change within the schedule and use critical thinking to solve problems. During my clinical rotation I was responsible for planning the care of two patients each day. As one member of a team of three students it was important to communicate and work with the other members of my team to provide good patient care. Each morning prior to care my team and I would discuss our plan of action, designate tasks to individual team members, and discuss any concerns, issues and goals for the days care. I incorporated critical thinking when changing linens of immobilized patients. I adapted existing schedules for patient care to accommodate other nurses and patients who were sharing the room. This allowed us and other members of the nursing staff to complete tasks in an efficient and coordinated manor.
There are many people who believe that they can be a great leader. "Great leaders are aware of their own style and make the effort to learn how their style actually comes across to their team. They learn to flex their leadership style to individual team members so that they communicate and behave in ways that motivate and inspire” according to Farrell, R. (2011, August 3). To be a leader there are qualities that it takes to be a leader that followers and an organization needs to become successful. For me my strongest qualities are respect, honesty, confidence, compassion, care, supportive and celebration. How I plan to use these is simple and some should already be in place now such as the respect. Compassion I will need to have with the patients and families along with my co-workers. Death is never an easy topic to discuss, but hopefully we can all come together to make it easier for the family. Flexible leadership, however, involves being able to adapt your leadership style according to the situation and the state of the team. As a leader I will need to show compassion by having an open door policy to my followers so that they feel they can come to me with any problem. I also need to show my followers that I do truly care about them. Take a moment out of every day to check with your employees to see how they are doing. A way to do this is take an interest in who they are as a person. Make them feel as they are important to you.
“Leaders in health care should be upfront and leading by example to demonstrate their leadership abilities and assist with health care duties and responsibilities. A good leader says let’s go and gets things done instead of waiting for others to get them done. He must be in the front line seeing patients and managing the health care duties that makes their health care practices successful. An efficient leader must understand every-ones roles and responsibilities in order to appreciate what everyone does in the practice. Appreciating what each employee does for the practice is key to
Time management is one aspect of patient care that can have a great influence patient satisfaction, cost, and health outcome. There has been great evidence that patient in acute care are kept at a minimum and transfer from one unit to another occurs too often, which severs the nurse and patient relationship. This quick transition doesn’t allow the nurse or the patient to develop the kind of communication and interpersonal relationship that is needed to ensure all of the patient's needs are met. One category of time management is that crucial is the interface, “explains different ways in which patients and caregivers interact” (Laitinen et al, 2011).