
Preventing Stress in the First Year of College

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Running Head: A GROWING PLAGUE Preventing Stress in First-Year College Introduction and Background Stress is a reaction to any event or thought, which produces a feeling of frustration, anger or nervousness (Medline Plus, 2012). In small and manageable amounts, stress is normal as it helps get things done. The reaction is not the same for all. Some may develop pain in the abdomen, headache, muscle tightness or pain. Others may have a faster heart rate, skipped heartbeats, rapid breathing, sweating, trembling or shaking. Still others experience dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, diarrhea or frequent urges to urinate. The stressed person has a harder time focusing. He feels tired most of the time or frequently loses his temper. He may also encounter sexual or sleep problems. Stress occurs to many with the need to change or adapt to a new, unexpected or unwanted situation. Stimuli include a new job or school, a new home, marriage, a new child or a break-up, an illness or injury. Drugs may also induce stress. Examples are inhalers for asthma, thyroid medicines, diet pills, or cold remedies. Stress may also develop after taking in caffeine, cocaine, alcohol and tobacco or make stress symptoms worse. Stress is likewise often co-occurring with anxiety disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (Medline Plus). Stress in First-Year College A recent study conducted by the University of California said that the

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