
Print Media Is The Best Possible Outcome For The Allocated Budget Essay

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For the purpose of this campaign the recommended criteria is print media. Essentially, print advertising is associated with physical printed media such as magazines and newspapers in hopes to reach customers attention (ref). Yet, although this style is advised it would be wise to discuss other advertising outlets in regards to achieving the best possible outcome for the allocated budget. Before, implementing print media as our primary outlet we should first analyse its usefulness and effectiveness in current advertising and decide whether it is the most suitable approach for FruChocs. Firstly, let us examine the effectiveness of print media associated with magazines. According to Green (2002) explains that magazine advertising is the weakest option of all, explaining that its impact is not sufficient enough in comparison to other media outlets. However, it does cater to specific targeted audiences, which is recommended in the advertising criteria, yet, segmenting the market could be detrimental towards growth as opposed to mass marketing, a topic which we will discuss later in the report (Wright & Esslemont, 1994). The next print option we can consider is newspapers, according to World Press Trends the circulation of newspapers free and paid for increased by 15% from 2001 to 2006. From 2006 approximately 1.4 billion people read newspapers on a daily basis, with 515 million people purchasing one every day (World Press Trends & Green 2006). Green (2006) explains, that it is

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