
Product Development Strategy. Roberstein Broadwater. Kaplan

Better Essays

Roberstein Broadwater
Kaplan University
February 19, 2017

CPA firms, whose focus is in the provision of tax services to the customers and businesses have to improve their efficiency and effectiveness of the workflows as a way of meeting the expectations of their clients. The firms deal with the pressure of management of fees, and staffing resources in the wake of busy tax seasons. The firms that are future focused should turn to the cloud technology for digitization and automation of their tax preparation procedures as a way of defining their maximum productivity while ensuring that they keep at pace with the quality needs of their clients (Blair-Stanek, 2015).
Liberty Tax Services form one …show more content…

The database will be designed to provide workflows that are seamless from the first stage when the client information is entered to the point when the final invoice is sent to the destination (Blair-Stanek, 2015). This will make the cloud-based technological service to address the intangible constraints of a development of a new service. The product will also include the non-standardization characteristics in the sense that the product data will mainly target the soft benefits, which will in turn target the system of exploration of the product data. To reap from these non-standardized characteristics, the cloud technology will make use of the CCH Axcess solution that is cloud-based, which will be designed to solve the seamless workflow problems, be service oriented and run in a single and identical core database (Blair-Stanek, 2015). The solution will allow the management within the Liberty Tax Services Company to stay focused on the core strengths, which are currently preparation of tax and client service. On the other hand, the cloud database will be inseparable regarding how it will be rendered impossible for the possibility of divorcing the supply or production of this service from the consumption. The technology will be inseparable in such a way that it will allow for the acquaintance of efficiency throughout the

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