
Project Requirements and Analysis Essay

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Jonesville Library
Board of Directors
310 Church St.
Jonesville, MI 49250
Dear Trusted members of the Board:
Infinity Computers is pleased that you have chosen our firm to conduct and implement your system upgrading. We would like to take this opportunity to expand further on our previous Feasibility Study by providing you with our System Requirements and Project Analysis documentation. The information contained in this document is delineated below. Also included in this portion is the updated miscellaneous hardware section. This revision has also increased the price by a nominal amount but feel that this small increase in pricing will help further secure your network from unwanted parties. …show more content…

extremist activities including but not limited to, pornographic surfing, malicious code transmitting, hacking, identity theft and internet spamming. The software we purpose will handle just this. The user will logon the system from a smart card. This smart card will be issued to them at the time of registration to the library. Once a user has registered he will be issued a smart card that will contain security certificates that control the users' rights on the network, and also serve as a tracking hit for all typical library resources checked out. All 8 Dell Precision Workstation 490 Desktop - 64bit workstations will have this software installed on it and will not allow computer usage till a smart card has been inserted.

Also included into phase 2 is 2 Dell Precision Workstation 490 Desktop - 64bit workstations in a card catalog role only. These computer systems will be barebones systems only with no hard drive storage or any other useful purpose. The card catalog system will tie into the Jonesville.Domain dBase file system and allow users to view the card catalog and also offer a glimpse at their account information. User's have the opportunity to changes critical information relating to their personal profile, i.e. contact information, member access usage, internet usage allocation and special program registration.

Phase 3 (JonesvilleLib.SecurityDomain) will not be readily apparent to

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