
Providing Quality Career Development And Leadership Programs

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Providing Quality Career Development within Youth Development and Leadership Programs


“What do you want to do for a living?” This is a question dreaded by many young people. The question assumes that youth have had opportunities that are to make an informed decision about their future.

As a youth service professional or someone volunteering his or her time with youth, you might be wondering how you can support youth to think about their futures, and provide them with concrete information to make important career decisions.
This practice brief describes how youth development and leadership programs can assess the extent to which they currently provide quality career development opportunities to the youth they serve and …show more content…

The chart below provides descriptions of the different career development skills and examples of activities that assist youth in building these skills.

Skills Descriptions Activities
Self-explorations skills The ability to identify personal interests, skills, and values to better understand oneself and inform decisions •Complete learning style assessments to evaluate ones optimal approach for learning new information.
•Complete self-reflection exercises and discuss personal strengths, challenges and preferences.
• Complete skills assessments to determine skills of interest and how these skills align to different careers options.
Career exploration skills The ability to identify and analyze various career options and interests in terms of what education, training, experience, and competencies are required for success. •Explore labor market conditions to determine the relative availability of various careers and the average wages, and benefits of selected jobs.
•Identify additional learning experiences skills and/or experience needed for careers of interest.
•Identify secondary and postsecondary courses and/or training required to prepare for a career pathways of interest.
Career planning and management skills Various skills needed to maintain employability and navigate career changes throughout the lifespan. This includes employability skills (i.e.

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