Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease that remains largely idiopathic. It is known to be autoimmune and inflammatory, with both genetic and environmental triggers and aggravators. [1,34] In fact 71% of children affected have a family history of psoriasis, as reported by Morris et al. [36]
A vicious cycle exists in predisposed individuals, where an abnormal and inflated immune response to an allergen occurs, with cytokines released actually causing both inflammation, as well as keratinocyte hyper-proliferation; hence the distinctive raised plaques and scales of psoriasis. [34] The cell cycle of the keratinocytes is also expedited. [35] These keratinocytes produce cytokines, themselves, that attract more leukocytes to the lesion, further propagating
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[31,32] In 1976, Kaplan et al conducted a preliminary trial on 20 patients, where they compared the effectiveness of 10% caffeine (in a hydrophilic base) with a placebo, on the following scales: erythema, pruritus, scaling, oozing, lichenification, and overall subjective evaluation. [31] They found a statistically significant improvement in overall subjective evaluation, so pursued a follow up study using a caffeine concentration of 30% on 40 AD patients (28 were included in the analysis). [31,32] In the second research, published the year after, Kaplan et al reported a statistically significant improvement in all scales tested in the caffeine group, while the placebo group showed improvement only in pruritus. [32] In 1978, another study on 83 AD patients was published comparing three formulations (all in hydrophilic bases): 0.5% hydrocortisone ointment, caffeine 30% and hydrocortisone 0.5% ointment, and betamethasone valerate 0.1% cream. They noted improvement in all groups on all scales; however, the caffeine-hydrocortisone group and the betamethasone group were significantly superior to the hydrocortisone group on the scales of excoriation, lichenification, and global impression. Moreover, the caffeine-hydrocortisone and the betamethasone groups did not differ statistically significantly on any scale.
Psoriasis: This is a common, chronic and recurring skin disorder that changes and alters the life cycle of skin cells. It causes cells to accumulate quickly on the skin surface. The extra cells from the skin forms a thick, itchy, silvery scale and a red patch. It can appear at any part of the body such as the knee, scalp, elbow etc. it is treated with drugs applied to the skin, ingested and with ultraviolet radiation. This disease has affected about 1%-5% of the world population and it is more common to the light skinned people. Psoriasis may persist throughout a person’s life as it comes and goes but it is usually reduced during the summer period when the skin is exposed to ultraviolent radiation and flare ups are common during
This essay explores and reflects on the lived experiences of an elderly patient living with the long-term condition (LTC) of psoriasis. A case study is used to illustrate some of the key features of LTCs and the impact they can have on a patient’s physical, psychological and social state. It is also going to be looking at the effect some of the key features can have on a patients support network or family. In addition it will examine the nurses role in the management of LTCs and the health and social policies that may have an impact on the care received by patient with LTCs.
In Macbeth, originally written by William Shakespeare in the 16th century, masculinity is a reoccurring theme in the play. Shakespeare tells the story of a man whose ambition overpowers his loyal qualities and later causes him to fall as a leader. Throughout the play, Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth both question what it is to be a man and to what extent masculinity should be played out in order to achieve success. Shakespeare shows the negative progression of Macbeth from being an innocent thane who would one day like to become the king, to a power hungry and evil leader who is willing to terminate anything that gets into his way of the throne. In Macbeth, stereotypical ideas about masculinity determine the fate of the characters because
Schweckendiek believed that psoriasis was due to a biochemical defect in the Citric Cycle in which there is a fumarate deficiency, however, researchers now believe that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease due to the immune system overreacting and attacking the body’s tissue which affects a person’s skin and joints. Therefore, according to DermNet, New Zealand, dimethyl fumarate is ‘thought to work by correcting the immunological imbalance that exists in psoriasis (shifting from a Th1 pattern of immune response to a Th2 one).’ According to BMJ 2000;321:424, Th1-Type cytokines tend to help in the production of proinflammatory responses which is responsible for perpetuating an autoimmune reponse. High amounts of an inflammatory response results in damaged tissue.Th2 include interleukins 4,5, and 13 and also contains interleukin 10 which has an anti-inflammatory response. Due to the immunomodulatory effect DMF has on the immune system, it was on the market in Germany in the 1990’s and was marketed as Fumaderm and the drug has lead to a 75% improvement in a sufferers psoriasis within the first four months of use. However, despite all the benefits of DMF, side effects such as gastrointestinal problems (nausea, diarrhoea and stomach cramps) occurred within 60%
Psoriasis is a inflammatory and hyper proliferative disease of the skin, which is caused by the immune system. The immune system is overactive causing for cells to be produced at a faster rate than normal. Someone with Psoriasis immune system will attack their skin cells causing for damage in the skin. The Immune system produces T-cells which aid in recognizing foreign invaders and attacking them. However, with psoriasis the T-cells mistakenly identify skin cells as invaders and attack them. Furthermore, the attack on the skin cells leads to skin damage causing for the body to produce skin cells at a higher rate. The integumentary which is responsible for the production of skin cells is affected and goes in hyper drive. Normally, it would take approximately, a month to produce new skin cells, however, when someone has Psoriasis skin cell production is at a higher rate. Psoriasis causes for new skin cells to be produced at faster rate causing for skin cells to surface in 3-4 days. The body cannot shed skin cells at that rate which causes for old skin cells to pile up and cause flakey watched know as plaques. Scientist have discovered five different forms of psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder, easily identified by its symptoms of white, scaly skin and red lesions, though not so easily cured or understood. In psoriasis, skin cells mature faster than the body can shed them, causing a buildup. Although there are many theories as to what the cause of such a disease might be genetics, stress, or other triggers no one is quite sure why the disease occurs, or what could be a possible way to fully cure it. In this essay we will explore the symptoms, types, and effects of this condition, and also some of the known treatments.
Brian is a 27-year-old male who suffers from plaque psoriasis (L40.0). His symptoms include red, itchy, flaking plaques located on his scalp, genitalia and legs with a BSA of 11%. Brain has tried and failed various treatments including triamcinolone and fluocinolone, both provided him with little to no relief. Brian is not a candidate for said biologics, because they can raise the risk of possibly fatal infections, Lymphoma, and other malignancies. I believe those risks of infection, malignancies are too high for Brian, in addition to both Humira, and Enbrel suppresses the immune system. Systemic medications are also too much of a risk for Brian because they have adverse side effects, which can also be extremely fatal and he is still of
“Psoriasis is a long-term (chronic) skin problem that causes skin cells to grow too quickly, resulting in thick, white silvery, or red patches of skin.” (WebMD, 2012) To uneducated individuals, they may look at a person with Psoriasis and think to stay away from them as it might be contagious. This disorder is not contagious, but it does affect a person with Psoriasis to go through social exclusion and discrimination. A mistaken trigger in the immune system is said to be the one of the causes of rapid production of skin cells in the body. Patients with Psoriasis produce new skin cells between 2-6 days. That is a little over four times less than the time they are normally produced, which is 21-28days. “Psoriasis affects approximately 3% of
Psoriasis is a condition that occurs on the skin from the cause of a build up of skin cells. When all of these cells get built up it forms dry, scaly patches on the skin that could be itchy or painful. Even though psoriasis affects the skin or integumentary system, it is also thought to be an immune system disorder. The reason medical professionals think this is because psoriasis is know to flare up or occur more frequently when you are fighting off a cold. It also flares up when you are under a lot of stress. The most common symptoms of psoriasis are rashes, dryness, flakiness, small bumps and redness of the skin, but it can also appear as dents on your nails, or even cause pain in your joints. The most common way to diagnose this condition
The Idea of “freedom from fear” has changed since the time of the famous “The four freedoms” speech by the late Franklin Roosevelt in 1941 but only on what the fear is. At the time the speech was given, America had isolationist policies that emerged at the end of World War I. Fears were deeply rooted in another economic decline as the nation had just experienced but also in a new threat. World War II was well under way and Roosevelt felt America should intervene to protect freedom and democracy. Now in 2017, almost 76 years later, the fear is focused on advancement in technologies and liberating people from under oppressive regimes and governments as said in a welcoming speech by President Barack Obama in 2012 .
“Psoriasis Uncovered,” goes into depth about the causes of Psoriasis and how the skin disease disrupts the keratinocytes in the epidermis of the skin. Whenever a patient has an outbreak of Psoriasis, keratinocytes reproduce at ten times the rate of normal skin, which means that the skin does not have time to mature, therefore dies and forms a scale-like rash on the infected area. As treatment goes, since the disease is not curable, the symptoms must be treated to improve the quality of life of the patients. Over one hundred years ago, tar was used to collect the dead skin cells and stop the skin from becoming irritated, but since then, there has been a combination of medication, light exposure in tanning beds, and different ointments that have been used to combat the side
Psoriasis is a noncommunicable, chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is characterized by hyperproliferation of epidermal cells, erythematous patches covered with a distinctive scale and incomplete differentiation of keratinocytes (WHO, Menter 2008, Ashcroft 2000). Depending upon the percent body area affected, psoriasis can be classified as mild (less than 3%), moderate (3-10%) and severe (more than 10%) (Krueger et al 2000,). The worldwide prevalence of psoriasis is around 2% while in developed countries higher prevalence rates about 4.6% have been reported (Parisi et al 2013). The prevalence of the disease in adolescent and children ranges from 0.5% to 2% (Parisi et al, 2013; Tollefson et al., 2010; Fotiadou et. al., 2014). Out of the
Geraldine, my mother, had diabetes and dealing with numerous ailments; one of them is dermatitis covering 90% of her body and the other a broken elbow she encountered due to an accident. She developed dermatitis from poor hygiene; that was so severe that she had to endure the effects from the ailment for years because the doctors kept treating the symptoms, never explaining what the cause was. By treating the symptoms and never correcting what caused this problem infection set in, the disease caused her skin to break and ooze fluid causing the condition to spread to other parts of her body, not to mention the constant scratching she did throughout each day. After trying numerous antibiotic treatments, her body stops responding to treatment. After several medical opinions, a team of doctors studied
Psoriasis is an ongoing skin condition, where the skin develops patches of itchy, red, scaly skin. Chances are, if you develop psoriasis, family members also have/had the condition, as there is a genetic association for psoriasis.
As technology continuously advances and expands in our culture and society, tablets have dominated computers and laptops in the workforce and textbooks in some schools in the United States. As tablets are becoming more prevalent, a debate has been established regarding whether K-12 school districts should switch from print textbooks to digital textbooks on tablets in the classroom. In definition, a tablet is a handheld computer, but they are usually much bigger than a cell phone. There are many reasons why school districts may or may not replace digital textbooks or tablets entirely. This particular topic is controversial and debatable because textbooks seem to be less prevalent than tablets. Although kids and teenagers still read print