
Public Administration Through Different Forms Of Management

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The major theme prevalent throughout this week’s readings is a detailed look at the study of public administration through different forms of management.
The two main forms of management discussed in the passages by Shafritz & Hyde (2012) and Chester Barnard (1968) are scientific management and human relations school of management. The theory of scientific management, first introduced by Frederick W. Taylor (1912, pp. 37-39) proposes that the driving force behind a man’s work is receiving a monetary reward. On the other hand the theory of human relations, as suggested by Mary Parker Follet (1926, pp. 58-65) and later validated by the Hawthorne experiments conducted in the 1930s (Shafritz and Hyde, 2012) propose that the driving force …show more content…

He (Barnard, 1968, pp. 65-81, 114-123, 186-199, 215-234) emphasized on the point that there was a mutually dependent relationship between a formal and informal organization, and in order to achieve a successful running organization (whether formal or informal) the executive/superior should ensure that both the needs of the organization as well as the needs of the employee are met equally.

William Willoughby (1918, pp. 40-43), did prominent work in the field of public administration. One of his most prominent work is on budgetary reform. Willoughby shared a similar school of thought as Frederick Taylor, based on the principles of scientific management. Both Willoughby and Taylor, through their own school of thoughts concluded on the same point that the driving force behind management/administrative/individual ultimately is monetary/financial. Years later came along the Luther Gulick, with the “Theory of Organization” (1937, pp. 81-89), who again shared Frederick Taylor’s ideology of taking a scientific approach to management. Gulick (1937, pp. 81-89) was famously known for his mnemonic on the seven major functions of management: “planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting.”
Weber’s work on bureaucracy (1922, pp. 44-49) is considered the basis for the subject. Weber’s main idea of organizations being

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