
Purpose And Justification Of A Professional Development Plan

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Purpose & Justification
A Professional Development Plan (PDP) is basically a project development plan to define one’s set career goal and therefore it is a necessary tool to guide you through the process. As a person with very keen interests in managing projects particularly in the construction field, I have set up a five year plan to position myself to achieve a Project Management Professional qualification (PMP) within the next following three to four years, that is achieving Project management qualification, Certified Associate in Project Management qualification (CAPM) and building a career in Project Management Office (PMO) in Construction field all within the approximate budget of AUD 80,000 by the end of the five year plan,
The professional Development Plan constructed in this report will act as a detailed reference and reflection point to reach my goals.
I have three sponsors agreed on my project where as a contingency plan one of the sponsor has agreed to mitigate any possible risk in financial limitation that might be caused.
I am working on my eligibility for the permanent residencies and if I receive it, my overall cost for the five year plan will reduce, I will not need to complete two year studies to be eligible for work visa and opportunities for graduate role will increase.
Although all decision have not been finalized, I am seven months through the planning phase and at the beginning of execution phase.
As all the sponsors are closely related

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