
Pygmalion Effect in Management

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Pygmalion Effect in Management
Principles of Management
The Pygmalion Effect in Management is the idea that workers are more productive when being watched by members of management. Workers are eager to please bosses, or appear competent, so productivity and rule following increases when a member of management is present. Your expectations of people and their expectations of themselves are the key factors in how well people perform at work.
Pygmalion Effect in Management
The Pygmalion Effect is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP) in which raising manager expectations regarding subordinate performance boosts subordinate performance. Managers who are led to expect more of their subordinates lead them to greater achievement. …show more content…

The Pygmalion Effect could be an important key to creating or improving a work force. Everything should be done to create a highly positive attitude about employees in the minds of supervisors and employees should feel that their supervisors and the organization believe in their potential as people.
Human Resource departments should present new employees to supervisors in a positive light while highlighting the new employee’s potential and making sure that the supervisor and the work group have a clear expectation that the new employees will make a significant impact on the work group’s ability to succeed. Supervisors should be trained in how to impart a positive motivating attitude that fosters a belief in the employee’s ability to perform. Employees should have a clear understanding that there is no question of them performing well. Employees should be given training opportunities to bring out potential rather than working on weaknesses. Over all, the organization should strive to create an understanding among its employees that their potential is great and that all is needed is for that potential to be brought out.
Organization builders have their strongest and most powerful influence in times of economic uncertainty and turbulence. When accepted ways of doing things aren’t working well enough, a manager’s strong expectation about the destination, the processes to follow and the capabilities of the team

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