
Qq 11 Communication Barriers

Decent Essays

1. Physical Barriers: such as background noise, poor lighting, temperature and the device you are using to communicate. 2. Attitudes: Also being extremely nervous, having a personal agenda or “needing to be right no matter what” can make communications less than effective. 3. Language: even people speaking the same language can have difficulty understanding each other if they are from different generations or from different regions of the same country. Slang, professional jargon and regional colloquialisms can even hurt communicators. 4. Physiological Barriers: ill health, poor eyesight or hearing difficulties, pain. 5. Cultural differences: people sometimes make stereotypical assumptions about others based on their cultural background. 6. Lack of Common Experience: if the speaker and the audience cannot relate to these examples because they do not have the same knowledge or have not shared the same experiences then this tool will be ineffective. 7. Ambiguity and Abstractions Overuse: leaving things half-said, using too many generalizations, proverbs or sayings, can all lead to communications that are not clear and that can lend themselves to misinterpretations. 8. Information Overload: …show more content…

They weren’t accepting of the idea that their child who they raised to be just like them for eleven years was abounding her faith, but I didn’t care, they could whine and cry for all I cared, it was never going to bring back my faith in Allah (which was never there to begin with). I went on some soul searching, trying to get a better - clear definition of self - and then I discovered African spirituality. What is African spirituality? Its the traditional beliefs and practices of African people before Arab or European colonisation. I eventually found out about the ancient beliefs/culture and god of my ancestors which was been around longer than Christianity or Islam and converted to

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