
Qualities Of Being A Successful Leader Essay

Better Essays

Throughout my life, I have multiple opportunities to experience the qualities of being a successful, effective leader. These opportunities have originated throughout the experiences of my career in athletics, playing on both high school and college football teams, being a group leader in my church, and also being a part of a family. I have gained substantial qualities that constitute a good leader through these life experiences. Some of the most valuable leadership characteristics that I have obtained, and strengthened, on day-to-day basis, include knowing how to be an overall team player, how to be a healthier listener, how to have more patience and understanding, how to be not fearful of constructive criticism, how to be outspoken, and how to be an effective problem solver. Even though I have made countless strides in particular areas, I have additional room for growth, in an effort to become an even better, effective leader.
Leadership is a characteristic that we all strive for. However, not everyone possesses the skills required to be an effective leader. Nevertheless, while some individuals can become leaders, it is actually how effective they lead that is the most significant characteristic of a successful leader. The term effective public leadership pertains to not only how the leader leads, but to how effective that leadership actually is. Montgomery Van Wart writes in the article Public-Sector Leadership Theory: An Assessment that the importance of leadership is

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