
Reflection On Being A Leader

Decent Essays

I believe that being a leader is an opportunity. An opportunity to lead a team to better themselves while working alongside one another to accomplish a common goal. A leader is someone who is always eager to learn and grow. Leaders understand that it is important to continue to improve their skills, and they look for opportunities which will further their knowledge and strengthen their ability to lead. Effective leaders understand that listening is an essential skill to understanding their team. After understanding what motivates each member, they will use this knowledge to inspire and drive each member to greatness. Leaders are committed to their team, and the objective or goal the they have set. If a situation arises, a leader is willing …show more content…

One of the most important aspects of being a leader is understanding your strengths and weaknesses; while taking BUSI 4200, I identified my top strengths and where I am not as strong. I now understand the top qualities of leaders, and I am able to identify these qualities within both myself and others. One lesson I learned while leading is that most people do not listen to those that dictate rather than leading by example. During my BUSI 3200 course, I found that if I took the initiative to start the research on our group project or I would send an email to all the team members, the level of participation from the rest of the group was much higher. Not only was it more effective when I lead by example, but taking the time to know and understand who I was working with was a key success to our team. Knowing the strengths and weakness of each individual for many of the groups I have worked in over my time at East Carolina has proven to be effective for the team as a whole. One lesson that I have learned as a follower, is that it is difficult to always have the answer in every situation, especially in a leadership role. Leaders will make mistakes; part of the leadership process is to recognize the mistake one made and learn from it to grow as an effective leader. I have also found that even if you are not in a leadership position, many leaders count on their followers to

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