
Reflection On Internship Experience

Decent Essays

My first few weeks of interning at Holiday Park Elementary had very slow start. In addition to that, I was performing tasks that didn’t really enhance my professional growth. For instance, my responsibilities included: developing supply order forms spreadsheets, recording the values for the spreadsheet, taking supply inventory in classrooms, assisted with checking in electronic devices that were in classrooms, cleaned/ rearranged furniture in classrooms, set up for field day, and monitored students during the field day event. I also designing and organizing bullet boards, posting the bulletin boards and creating/ laminating over 432 vocabulary flash cards by hand for second graders. Things changed drastically once it was brought to my attention that my internship duties that didn’t align with my proposal. After this concern was mentioned to my attention that same day I arranged a meeting with my site supervisor and discussed what was the expectations of the course as well as the areas I wanted to gain more knowledge. This meeting made reflected on myself and it made me come to the realization how important it is to speak up in the workplace to make sure my standards are being met and I am being satisfied. I am a very shy person and don’t like confrontation, but there is nothing wrong being certain that you are going to get the most out of an experience in a tactful fashion. Subsequent to the discussion with my site supervisor, I was assigned projects and assignments that

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