
Reflective Essay: My Writing As A Writer

Satisfactory Essays

Writing and I have never gotten along. Writing papers looms over my head like dark storm clouds. When children lack writing and reading when they are younger, they tend to struggle with writing essays as adults. I first realized this in the eighth grade when I had to write my first lengthy essay.

I remember walking into my class room and seeing my teacher Mrs. Lutz sitting behind her podium. On the board, written in green marker under our daily objective were the words "students will be able to write a proper essay paper." My heart dropped. I had always dreaded any kind of writing and I knew this was going to have to be the longest paper I had ever written. I took my seat slowly and I waited for my teacher to give her instructions.

I was told to write a paper on my favorite book and to include the basic plot line and why I enjoyed the book; I panicked. I was never a big reader and I never really had a "favorite book" but I buckled down and began to think of what I wanted to write about. I remember one of the very few books that I truly enjoyed, "Night" by Eli Wisel, a true holocaust account. …show more content…

I collected and wrote down all the reasons I liked that book; the tone, the emotion, the empathy the author made me feel, the connection it gave me that wouldn't let me put the book down. I began writing, trying to put my thoughts down on paper. Although it took me a few days and I struggled greatly, I finished my paper. Feeling confident, I walked into my class room with my paper correctly in MLA format and a few words over the minimum word count. I sat down and began to take out my paper and class materials. Mrs. Lutz told us to pass our papers up to the front of the class and eagerly we did as we were told. The next few days I waited impatiently to see my grade on the

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