
Reflective Practice Audit Essay

Good Essays

Reflective Practice Audit


Within this audit I am going to be talking about the methods of learning and how they can be assessed.

I will be showing the skills and experiences of which I have, how they have been developed and a SWOT analysis to evaluate myself. Then I will have expanded on the findings of my skills and experiences, with the final point that I will then be constructing a table showing my short and long-term targets to develop skills and learning styles.

Then I will have a final inclusion of my bibliography and references by using the Harvard referencing style.


From my research I have found out that there are four main learning styles of which I have explained below: - …show more content…

Of which I agree with because I prefer to watch when learning, as well as being involving practically which I like better, but I would say that I don’t like listening because it always feel that I want to disagree with everything, as I want to visualise what is occurring.

By performing the lassi questionnaire I have found out that my areas of weakness are attitude/interest, motivation, anxiety, use of support techniques/materials and test strategies/preparation for exams.


To show the results of my skills I have produced a table of skills that I possess, and experiences that assist my learning: -

My SWOT Analysis (Related to the past 5 years)



I have an AVCE in Business, A Level in Accounting, A in GCSE ICT, and
A* - C in Maths, English Language/Literature as well as another 7
GCSE’s, and Level 3 key skills Communication.

I have performed work experience in Hennessey & Co. (Accounting

I have personal qualities that involve the fact that I am punctual, a good listener, attentive, organised, reliable, honest and hardworking.

I have a well developed and deep knowledge of financial and management accounting. As well as the fact that I have an extensive range of IT knowledge and skills.

I need to obtain higher level accounting related qualifications that cater for

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