
Relationship Between Information Management And Knowledge Management

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1. Introduction
In today 's high competitive business world, success is dependent on how efficiently and effectively an organization can develop and utilize its information and knowledge resources(Carlsson etc, 2002). Therefore, there are many dispute on information and knowledge management. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the relationship between Information management(IM) and knowledge management(KM), then argument about whether KM is important for an organization. In order to make sure essay have a clear structure, this essay main divided into four parts (from Part 2 to Part5 ): Part 2 will introduce what is IM and KM, the benefits of IM and KM, the relationships amongst data, information and knowledge, and then this paper will introduce the relationship between IM and KM; Part 3 will analysis case study of good knowledge management in Xerox company; Part 4 will analysis case study of bad knowledge management in NASA; Part 5, this essay will give an argument result to you in conclusion.
2.1What is Information Management?
Information Management (IM) is a broad conceptual term that has a different meanings and interpretations among different constituencies. There are major three definitions of IM are as follow:
• (Detlor, 2010) Defines Information Management is “the management of the processes and systems that create, organize, store, distribute, acquire, and use information. The purpose of information management is that to help people and enterprises access,

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