
Relationship Management : The Role Of Relationships In The School Environment

Good Essays Relationship Management There are so many dimensions to relationships in the school environment. Once a child develops the skill of empathy, they then need to channel that into positive relationships with other students, with teachers, with administrators, with parents and finally with themselves. Trust is an essential component of healthy relationships, as it allows students to see where they can improve without becoming self-critical or defensive (Lynch, 2016). Trust fosters smooth and productive relationships with teachers and with peers. Emotional elements are the driving forces behind so much of the modern educational environment, and the role of relationships should be considered when creating policies, process and procedures within the school environment. Relationship building enables schools to boost their performance and is essential to making schools work. The ability to motivate, influence and develop others while managing conflict. Relationship management concerns the ability to use the awareness of one’s own emotions and the emotions of others to manage interactions successfully, help others grow and handle challenging situations (Goleman, 1998). The abilities here include helping others to progress, inspiring leadership, convert catalyst, influence, conflict management, teamwork and collaboration. Developing others, serving as an inspiring leader and catalyst for change, collaborating with a high-performing team, and managing conflict are part of

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