
Relocating Apple To Brazil. After Detailed Investigation

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Relocating Apple to Brazil

After detailed investigation of both Kenya and Brazil, my choice for the relocation of Apple remains Brazil for numerous reasons. Brazil is a hotbed of opportunity for those interested in doing business internationally. From a general view point, Brazil is well-developed in areas of agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and service industries. It has been expanding into the world markets and now export several products, like airplanes, vehicles, coffee, and more. Brazil has been trying to reduce its dependence on foreign oil, making the country a leader in production of hydroelectric power, which has created multiple spin-off industries and opportunities like the information technology sector which is fast …show more content…

Firstly, the currency has lost a lot of value compared to the U.S. dollar, the companies in Brazil (Sao Paulo) are very cheap for American investors. The implication of this is evident and clearly beneficial to Apple. Since Apple provide its services through third party companies, it would be cheaper to buy the services of these companies in Sao Paulo thereby decreasing the running cost as a result the cost of production of Apples products there by increasing the profit margin.

Secondly, the abundance of business resources in Sao Paulo make it an inevitable attractive factor for companies wishing to settle or relocate in Brazil. As the largest city in Brazil, São Paulo counts about 20 million residents, and startups are naturally scattered across neighborhoods. The plenty resources available is Sao Paulo include young and Startup’s, variety of companies, from tech to farming, who all present an already made market for Apple products. The huge number of skilled workers would provide the employee needs of Apple thereby a great possibility of increasing its services to the public. In addition, the cultural diversity of Sao Paulo strongly influences my decision of choosing the location for the Relocation of Apple. Brazil is among the most racially diverse countries in the world, with about 47 percent white citizens and 43

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