In reviewing research regarding the use of technology in the classroom, there is a wealth of information available that varies from the extent of technology to the type of technology used in the classrooms. In order to identify and narrow the topic, it is important to look at the available research and the areas which need additional studies. The area of interest is specifically the use of technology with English Language Learners (ELL). However, in order to focus the research in that particular area, a broader view is necessary. The purpose of this paper is to review the annotated bibliography created in the previous assignment and discuss specific areas such as theories, relationships and possible gaps or contradictions. …show more content…
Studies created at the elementary level often fall in this category utilizing specific software or on line programs designed for this purpose. In the high grades and for adult education, technology can be used with multimedia activities including virtual tours and other activities that may require the four domains of language acquisition: listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of the critiques for the technology used for this purpose is the fact that it does not require direct teacher student interaction. The student can work independently with minimal guidance from the teacher.
The resource based approach uses technology as support resources. Using computer based technology to access information in the target language provides the students with real world activities and exposes them to the target language. This allows the student to be immersed in the language for short periods of time in order to practice the required skills or specific domains. When computers and various technologies are utilized to research relevant topic in the target language, the student is able to incorporate several goals within the assignment creating stronger mental bonds to the acquired language as long as there is comprehensible input in the target language. This approach is useful for students who have already achieved a certain level of acquisition, but research seems inconclusive regarding students who are at a beginner level of language acquisition.
It has become necessary for English language learners (ELLs) to practice their learning at home as well as at school in order to truly succeed. Technology can be a useful way to aid students when they are at home and wanting to practice what they learned in school. Teachers have given input to what they have seen worked for ELLs and a majority feel that technology can be very useful, especially at home where it is available. For English language learners to succeed, what types of technology can students use at home in order to reinforce what they have learned in class?
This article attempts to enlighten educators to allow computers in the classroom as a workshop to help improve literacy. The computer allows for students to have both a visual and a verbal reference to a topic, thus, solidifying a concrete comprehension of the text, allowing the student to be further engaged and stimulated with the assignment. Over the years, educators have seen such a vast change in technology, especially in the classroom. It is time now, that educators embrace the change and use it to their advantage. “If students can be motivated and engaged when using technology, teachers should continue to support this type of learning when appropriate.”
Using technology in the classroom is a sensitive issue. It is the teacher?s responsibility to
Technology has changed so many of the ways in which we live our lives, from the invention of the wheel to the advanced systems we use and take for granted everyday. Technology was once taboo in most house holds while people still clung to the idea that life was built on life experiences. Nicholas Carr stated in, Is Goggle making us stupid? "Back in the fourth century, BCE, Plato complained that writing (then a fairly new technology) was destroying peoples memory, yet he wrote dozens of books. For half a century, television has been accused of rotting our brains and making us fat and lazy, but most people depend on it for info, news and entertainment." Technology has changed our understanding of the way things work and
Today’s education differs much from the education fifty years ago. One of the reasons they are so different is because of technology. In the past fifty years the world of technology has grown tremendously, affecting everything, including education. A few things that have been brought into the world of education are computers, video and digital equipment such as DVDs, digital cameras and recording devices. The technology also includes information presentation technologies which includes the Smart Board, and different interactive whiteboards. There are many more that schools did not have fifty years ago.
There is a growing trend in the use of technology in the classroom. As a teacher, I am always looking for ways to use manipulatives in my lessons to increase meaning and authenticity for students. I would love to keep my students engaged, motivated and interactive in the classroom and still be able to get through the content each day. In order to achieve this, I need to have an arsenal of tools to draw from. That is why I agree with (Tataroglu & Erduran, 2010) as stated in the International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE) that “The use of technologies like IWBs in the classroom can provide teachers and students convenience and variety. “
Technology affects every aspect of our lives. From romance to business, it has shown its presence everywhere. But technology has had a huge impact on education that cannot be denied, and has done nothing but improve the quality and quantity of education.
Research over the past 40 years has shown conclusively that technology-based methods are usually superior to traditional ones.
The education world has been greatly influenced by rapidly changing technology and the increasing availability of information. Schools have advanced by leaps and bounds when it comes to incorporating technology into the learning environment, however, many more advances need to be made. In all areas of the country, educators are trying to help students keep up with technology, but there are more changes that are essential for preparing the next generation for the future.
Technology not only affects students, but also teachers. Resources such as voice mail, email, and the World Wide Web all aid teachers in informing parents of upcoming events, responding to students and their questions, and searching for information. There are also technology tools
In and of themselves, wikis, blogs, podcasts and microblogging will do very little to transform digital writing or learning in general. It 's really not the tool or digital space that can transform or enhance learning. It is what is done there and how the tool is used by teachers and students alike. However, as I think the articles captured, when used effectively these digital tools have the potential to develop critical digital literacies.
Change is constant. Though one may not be able to see the change, one can look back through the course of a year or maybe even a few months and see the change. Technology has transformed with our culture. There are many benefits for students with the new advancements of technology.
Nowadays, it is not enough using the traditional approaches and teaching aids like whiteboards, working with worksheets, audio, bibliography, etc. Therefore, technology could be an ally. In our school English as a subject is given from first to fourth semester. They have three hours of English subject per week. The temporary school is located in San José Monteverde community, a rural community which is part of San Antonino Monteverde town council in the district of San Juan Teposcolula in Oaxaca, Mexico. The community is in a rural area three hour’s drive away from the main city. The first language of the people of this community is Mixtec and their second one is Spanish.
Education is one of the most important professions in the working world. Technology has done many things for us in today’s society especially for education and schools. Technology in the school system has impacted the students and teachers in many positive ways, including virtual field trips, testing tips, teacher resources, class web sites, and lesson plans. With computer use in our schools, we have access to many different sources and various types of learning.
Next, technology provides a lot of flexibility to the instructors using it to teach and also to the students using it to learn. Through flexibility in technology, students are able to have variety in how information is presented, information is able to be manipulated to individual’s liking, and it helps with student diversity in the classroom. With technology, students as well as educators have the ability to break away from the standard black and white textbook and use different methods to present information such as video, multimedia, spreadsheets, PowerPoints, audio, etc. to connect with the individual students preferences which will also help educators move beyond the one-size-fits-all style of teaching (Edyburn, 2011). Another aspect that comes along with flexibility of technology is the ability to manipulate information to how the individual using it wants or needs which can be a great help to students with different styles of learning as well as students with disabilities. Shank and Bell (2007) state that, “digital resources allow students to more effectively match their ideal learning style through