
Residential Schools Essay

Decent Essays

Furthermore, when the fundamental ideology behind residential schools is deeply analyzed, the core idea behind these schools can be partially justified to a very limited extent, as the idea had made sense and may have even benefited the aboriginals, had it been executed differently, and not as extreme and radical as the way it was. Humanity at the time was rapidly developing socially, economically, and technologically, along with mankind entering a new millenium, as the majority of the residential schools were built in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Especially during this time, as advancements and inventions were being made in all areas of civilization, residential schools in essence can be interpreted as a way to help aid the aboriginals with the transition into this new era. This is because the inevitable truth …show more content…

As sad as it is to admit, many indigenous groups are slowly disappearing all around the world as humanity further develops, such as the Kazakh tribes in Mongolia, the Mursi tribe in Ethiopia, and many more fading indigenous groups. Many people from these rural locations all around the world are leaving their homes for a life in the city filled with technology, along with their traditions being forgotten as the new generation of youth loses interest in these long time treasured traditions. The goal of residential schools was to speed up this process, creating a revolutionary change, compared to a evolutionary change. In a few cases, they were able to successfully help aid residential school students with preparing them for the rapidly developing world, with Tomson Highway being a notable example of a student who had a positive experience, “There are many very successful people today that went to those schools and have brilliant careers and are very functional people, very happy people like

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