
Rhetorical Analysis Of Coca-Cola And The Grove Press Company

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When it comes to disputes on executive sales, companies prefer to keep the war on paper, but regardless, the battle can get quite intense. Ira C. Herbert is a representative for Coca-Cola while R.W. Seaver represents the Grove Press Company. Both employees send letters in order to dispute over the usage of the catch phrase “It’s the Real Thing.” Each representative addresses his reasoning behind why each respective company has the right to the use of the phrase. To persuade one another, the use of rhetorical strategies is apparent throughout each letter. Whereas, Mr. Seaver’s letter is straightforward and sarcastic, Ira C. Herbert’s response is more persuasive due to its use of evidence in justifying Coca Cola’s priority in the use of the slogan. Companies desire to keep the originality of their products so they can appeal to their consumers positively. Ira C. Herbert, an executive for the Coca Cola Company, presents himself as a notable person with authority. On March 25, 1970, Herbert wrote a letter to Mr. R. W. Seaver asking him to “stop using the theme or slogan in connection with the book” (line 7). The writer is contemplative throughout his letter in order to clarify the issue that he wants resolved. Herbert speaks for the company when he writes, “We believe you will agree that it is undesirable for our companies to make simultaneous use of It’s the Real Thing” in connection with our respective products”(lines 8-10). In other words, the author suggests the expression

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