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Ambush Marketing Case Study
Hieu Le
Columbia Southern University

Ambush Marketing Case Study In the Successfully leveraging high-profile events to raise brand profile, Datamonitor (2010) demonstrate the identity of Ambush Marketing, which reflects that Bavaria Beer implemented this marketing tactics to the 2010 World Cup competition in South Africa. Although this marketing method is totally legal and the most effective strategy, several critics argue that Ambush Marketing had created a unfair advantage by not making any …show more content…

The advantage and disadvantage features of Ambush Marketing reveal different characteristics, and identities to illustrate the ways that Ambush Marketing practices in the market place. Ambush Marketing is a practically affordable investment for businesses to launch their advertising to public and society. Equally, this marketing technique is a creative way to show an organization?s product in front of considerably number of crowds. Additionally, television, social media, and other marketing tools to help organizations to campaign their products without making large financial resources.
In contrast, the disadvantage features of Ambush Marking may cause ambushers an expensive price in terms of its image, and reputation, including to cause pressure on event?s organizers, being view as a parasite, and a questionable brand. Organizers of major sport events believe that ambushers may cause unnecessary stress to their event by advertising their product and service without financial contributions compared to other sponsorships, who invest hundreds of millions in order to be viewed by audiences. In addition, ambush marketing also views as a parasite marketing method, which gains a market share in a loss of competitors. Since organizers of events recognize these unethical tactics, they will ban, and fine ambushers in massive amount of money. As a result, ambushers notes that they are taking a high risk

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