
Saint Thérèse Of Lisieux Research Paper

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Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (Lee•SH•oo) lived an adventurous life with only four sisters. Thérèse was born in 1873 in Alençon (Al•e•KO), France being the youngest among ten siblings, for six of them died when they were just babies. Her mother died when Thérèse was only four, so her sisters, Marie, Pauline, Celine, and Leonie all took care of her. When Thérèse was just at the age of 10, Pauline became a nun and joined the convent. She gave Thérèse a notebook to write down her prayers and every good deed she did daily. Each deed counted as one flower since the cover was decorated with multiple of them. Thérèse had a number of flowers just because of the notebook! This way, she can keep track of her prayers and have the world be a beautiful place

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