
Samsung : The Best Quality Mobile Devices

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Over the past decade, mobile devices have developed as an integral part of everyday lives of most people. Along with its growth, customers’ demand for innovative technological features has been increasing. In the United States, Apple has evolved as the representative corporation marketing the best quality mobile devices. While Samsung devices have been considered the second best, the company has been attempting to top Apple products in the mobile marketing. Despite Samsung’s continuous effort, Apple’s fandom created by the marketing hype ranks Apple at the top. Samsung’s recent advertisement for Galaxy SIII exploits the recent release of iPhone 5 and challenges the device qualities and fanatic followers of Apple. The ad incorporates humor and sarcasm regarding iPhone 5 buyers to expose ridiculous Apple fandom and appeal to those who are non-iPhone users and instigate current iPhone users to consider the quality of their phones. Rhetorical situation strengthens the effectiveness of the ad as Samsung readily attacks iPhone 5 soon after its release. With the ongoing patent fight between the two companies, Samsung’s ad publicizes the issue and undermines Apple’s reliability with criticism of iPhone 5 qualities. By illustrating Galaxy SIII’s superior tools, the ad refutes the commonplace among most Americans that Apple products are the best in quality. The American ideology of pursuing a contemporary and trendy lifestyle embedded in the ad invokes the audience’s desire of

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