Children and Teenagers express themselves by what they wear. That is one of the biggest arguments schools have and the overall biggest problems is dress code. Teenagers and children like to feel free and wear things that make them unique. Dress codes does not really affect the way students learn. I think that children should be able to wear what they want to school and not get sent home for it being to provocative or inappropriate.
As I mentioned in the first paragraph children and teenagers have to express themselves by what they wear. It makes them who they by what they wear. It makes them who they are but schools these days have dress codes that’s are absolutely ridiculous. Some schools have done away with girls not allowed to wear
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I don’t know why it’s such a crazy thing this year but it is, they need to focus more on the violence not the dress codes. Kids need to express their uniqueness not wear the same thing as everyone else, it’s not fair to them that they are treated like people are in prisons with the suits on.
In general schools, dress codes are very important to the principal, because they think kids wearing a certain clothing cause’s violence, bullying, fights, and distractions. I know there have been so many shootings, violence but schools around here not have to be punished from all of these big cities problems. Because some surrounding schools have uniforms, which would be awful for kids to wear. I mean if kids have inappropriate language on their clothing make them put tape on it or inside out, like it was back years ago when society wasn’t completely violence. Big cities have such a problem with violence, and bullying and they blame it on the dress codes. In some cases it could be the problem but not always, because most of the time it’s just a teenager trying to act out in anger, which they go off the deep end and do something crazy and then end up in jail.
Other people think differently, they believe kids need to dress the same way, this saves bulling of the system. These people think that dress shorts, shoulder tops, hoodies, baggy clothing, etc. have children look and feel different from other students. Dressing the same way makes everyone feel the same
In schools everywhere both boys and girls are forced into modifying their normal clothing style to something the fits into their school´s strict rules. Students are having to look for clothes that are in the school´s standards, not what they like to wear. Our school´s dress code should be revised to more realistic expectations from the students. Students have the right to express themselves through their clothing. ¨… how a person dresses is a kind of self- expression...
“School officials have a responsibility to provide a safe, secure, and productive learning environment.” Therefore, schools have dress codes because the safety of students is very important. A teacher’s number one priority is their student’s safety and to have a good learning environment. All students should have the same right to their education. Is the clothing the students wear distracting others from learning? It is distracting to others, but that is not the only reason why schools have dress codes. Schools also have dress codes because it helps prevent students from being bullied based on their clothing, especially if they wear something offensive or inappropriate. It also helps them prepare for professional environments as adults in the workplace.
Schools have often done unthinkable things to students who are out of dress code such as require a student to wear a completely unflattering shirt and pants that can and have caused cases of bullying, or even send a student home interfering with their learning abilities. Sending a student home, usually in cases of a female’s attire because it is “distracting” to the boys at school is implying that the male’s education is more important than the female’s, is extremely intolerable because it prevents that student from getting an education. Schools’ having a strict dress code also prevents students from being able to dress for the weather, especially in southern states such as Arizona, Texas, and Florida where temperatures can topple 100 degrees Fahrenheit on a daily bases. Kids and young adults should be able to make the decision to wear shorts and shirts on their own, like tank tops, in response to the temperature and not have it dictated by what a school board thinks is
Second of all, some may feel that dress codes are necessary in schools to prepare the teens for jobs and to make
School dress codes send a loud and clear message, “Your individuality is inconvenient.” (Rowland 22). The constitution guarantees the right to free speech,which can be interpreted as the right to freedom of self expression, and students use clothing to express themselves. Another message that dress codes send is that “the self identity that you want to express does not belong here.” Self expression is not an inconvenience or a distraction, it is the lifeblood of our nation. (Rowland 22). Schools tell students that they should be confident in themselves, but how can they if they cannot express themselves? School dress codes now are more about shielding the boys then protecting the girls which implies that boys are immature. Calling a girl’s clothes distracting is implying that she is at fault for any disruptions. “That 's like saying that because a store has a cash register, it 's the store 's fault if it gets robbed!” (Menza 1). Students are going to be distracted anyways. Sexist dress codes are like saying that an article of clothing, or a body part showing on a female will distract male students from learning. Dress codes should be simple for both genders, everyone should wear clothing that covers up the same area. With dress codes, students are forced to dress the same as other students, taking the individuality out of school, but schools try to send the message, you are individual. Figure 1 shows a strict dress codes for both students and
In high school students use their outfits to show their individual characteristics. Many have the money to buy the stylish clothes but do not because they would rather have something they find more appealing. Not to mention trends set today are primarily focused on people with a certain body type. Thus resulting in the factor that even if the family had the money to buy the certain item many students would refuse it due to the fact that they do not feel comfortable in it. Instead of being able to individualize themselves many children get bullied because they are forced to fit in with the crowd to please them. Penrod once said “For the sake of [individual] kids, we all need to “lay off” a little” (762) showing how this is not the most important topic right
For example, when a child that is less fortunate than others comes to school bearing ratty or `out of date' clothing, that child is viewed as an outcast and is tormented for reasons he or she does not have control over. In turn, this affects that child's ability to focus on schoolwork and puts a damper on his or her educational ability. Also, if the popular children with fashionable clothing are only worried about picking on those less fortunate than them, their minds are diverted away from their studies. Situations like these should not happen and can be easily avoided if kids in public school were all wearing the same articles of clothing.
When you take the freedom of picking your own clothes away from kids, they can’t express who they are. Kids express themselves from what they wear. If someone likes a band or a certain artist, they might wear a t-shirt with the name on it. If someone really likes dresses and fashion, that’s what they’ll wear. When telling kids what to wear, they can’t be an individual. They won’t feel different. You always want to be unique and be different than others and having a uniform on with your whole social class, you won’t get that freedom.
The people who are in charge of creating the school dress code don’t think of girls feelings, or their need to be an individual. There are also some unnecessary rules in schools, and what schools deemed inappropriate or distracting. The schools are taking some of the girls rights away. I believe that the dress code for the younger generation is too focused on girls, and it’s way too strict. Students should not have to wear school uniforms, some schools went for believing it would get rid of competition.
Dress code is a big controversy within almost all school districts around the world. There are many different opinions on the topic and how it should be handled, but it is mainly the students who suffer because of these strict, unruly, form of schooling. Girls are mainly the ones who are targeted against being blamed for causing a distraction or being inappropriate. Girls should be able to dress how they wish and not be shamed for it at school. They should not be discriminated against due to their personal clothing choices.
School uniforms and dress codes are becoming a popular trend among schools. Most Students and some parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms, saying that uniforms are taking away self-expression in schools. But, school uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Yes, uniforms and some very strict dress codes limit what the students have to choose to wear to school every day, but it doesn’t limit them from learning which is the main reason they are in school. Some students treat school as a fashion show, so eliminating the size of wardrobe shifts the attention toward their school work. Although requiring students to wear school uniforms may violate their self-expression in some ways, a uniform is supposed to be looked
Schools that have dress codes are going too far. Dress codes take away students ability to dress and frame their personalities. In an article by Dylan Ankersen he explains how the ability to be free is the “power to write, speak, act or dress as one wants without hindrance” (Akerson). Akerson is saying that people need the power to be who they want and not be told who they want to be. The first amendment says that “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”(Bill of Rights).
School dress is a colossal problem because many people don't follow the rules, even when it comes to the way they dress. Many schools make the students wear uniforms, others have a dress code and then those who do not have a dress code or uniforms simply send the students home to change when they wear inappropriate clothing.
School should be a learning environment, not a fashion show. Students shouldn’t obsess over the clothes they wear. Dress codes are beneficial to schools because they help to prevent inappropriate clothing choices, provide less distractions, and they eliminate social and class barriers. Dress codes put a stop to inappropriate clothing. It puts a stop to students wearing
It makes students a target for bullies from other schools. Generally, dress codes are much less restrictive than uniform policies. School uniforms restrict students’