
Scott Lobdell: A DC Icon Analysis

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There are many reasons as to why Scott Lobdell is one of the greatest DC icons, this series is one of them. Bizzaro has fallen ill, and with the team being desperateto save their brave friend they seek help from Lex Luthor.

Scott Lobdell has the power to make me smile, I swear to goodness this issue is cute as heck! As someone deeply involved in the DC-fandom, the introduction is a headcanon come true. Artemis and Jason promised to take care of Pup-Pup, and by showing us this moment, we know he's okay! There are several flashbacks in this issue. I love flashbacks, they are important for building character-audience relationships. This is only #13 of a new triumvirate, and there's a long way to go and a lot left to learn.

There are several flashbacks in this issue. I love flashbacks, they are important for …show more content…

Their back and forth banter is amazing, and we could always use more platonic but affectionate relationships. I'm not too worried though. Lobdell is creating the chemistry while still letting us know their friendship is valuable. If they do progress into something more, he will create a slow and comfortable burn.

The art never ceases to amaze me. Dextor Soy's ability to draw body proportions and facial structures is a blessing. There is so much hyper-masculine art in the comic world, I appreciate softer features and art, particularly for men. In addition, he pays respects to the heroes regardless of gender. Artemis is GUNNED.

The backgrounds are detailed, and on that balance where it looks like animated reality. Veronica Gandini's gifted coloring makes this issue gorgeous to look at. A big appeal of my collection is due to the artwork, accompanied with a fantastic story is a bonus. During the introduction, she plays with childhood palettes, as if out of an animated cartoon show for children. However, Soy's detailed pencilling makes me feel more adult reading it. It's a nostalgic

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