
Personal Ethical Values

Decent Essays

Manikaran Chandok
Business Ethics and Responsible Leadership
October 7th, 2016

We all have personal ethical values which guide us between right and wrong in our daily life’s when dealing with ethical dilemmas. Similarly, in an organization the approach taken is to institute a set ethics set of rules to prevent or control ethical lapses by employees. The big difference between personal and organizational ethical values is that in an organization it is predefined by leadership, and in our personal life its constantly developing and changing. For me, my family and faith plays a profound role in who I am as an ethical person, and the development of my core values. While growing up, my parents always emphasized on thinking about what are the consequences of my actions on others, so that I could develop self-awareness. Also, growing up in a religious Sikh family, I was tough the importance of doing Selfless Service “Sava” so that I always stay grounded and develop thoughtfulness towards others. Today as I grow older, I will admit that my personal ethics are still being developed and shaped, but there are a set of core values that been engraved in me by my past experiences. They are: equality, honesty, self-awareness, and thoughtfulness.
As a project manager I face many ethical dilemmas, and often find myself referring to both the guidelines and my core values. This is because I feel the current organizational code of conduct alone is not enough to counter the tremendous

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