
Self Awareness On Social Work Practice

Decent Essays

Self-Awareness and Impact on Social Work Practice I believe that my values and beliefs can impact my social work practice in my ways. For instance, I view education as something very import and that if every kid has the chance to they should go to college and get a degree, but there are some kids out there who could care less about school and are okay with getting by doing the bare minimum. When we went over a scenario of this in class about a kid who has all C’s and is fine with that and their parents are even fine with that I knew that it would be a struggle for me to maintain my own personal values and beliefs. I grew up with my parents telling to always try my best and that C’s where never allowed, so when we went of the scenario I instantly thought that this kid needs to get his grades up, but in reality, if the kid and his parents are okay with his grades there’s nothing I can really do about it. Ever since that day in class I knew that I was going to need to really gain and maintain awareness of my own personal values and beliefs and make sure that they do not impact my practice as well as influence my choices. There are many different ways that I can practice self-reflection and personal growth as a social worker. One thing I can do is journal about specific cases and reread what I’ve written down to see if anything I wrote down has anything to do with my own values or beliefs. Another thing I can do is whenever I talk with my supervisor about cases I can pay

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