
Service Quality and Client Satisfaction: Cases of Multiple Providers of Agricultural Extension Service in Bangladesh

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A competitive world of numerous public and private service providers placed perceived quality as one of the crucial determinant in selecting a product or service. With the aim of determining service quality present study investigate multiple public and private agricultural extension service providers in Bangladesh. SERVQUAL model was employed to measure service quality using face to face interview with 391 respondents. This study was also complimented with qualitative methods like key informant interviews, focus group discussion and informal interviews. Z statistics revealed that there was a significant difference between the perceived and expected ratings on all of the service quality dimensions. It was also confirmed that highest gaps …show more content…

Several other studies posit that the performance of agricultural extension is unsatisfactory and a remarkable proportion of potential clients remain out of extension service (Haq, 2011; Porimol et al., 2008; Daily Star, 2008). In addition public agricultural extension is often criticized for being too top-down as well as large and medium farmer centered (Swanson, 2011; World Bank, 2005; Sobhan, 1995).
In general extension services offered by private organizations is conceived as better than public extension service although empirical evidences are scarce. Rather extension service offered by private companies can logically be criticized for high profit making intension and ignoring development motive (Haque, 2010). On the other hand NGOs may be little ahead in terms of contact frequency (ASIRP, 2003) and dealing with special farmer groups such as landless, marginal, etc. (Birner et al., 2010; Haque, 2010) but the quality of service and skill of extension of worker is not out of the question. Nonetheless NGOs are commonly criticized for working in fashionable locations, limited capacity for agricultural technology development and dissemination, more accountable to funding agencies than clients (Farrington, 1997).
A service deemed to be of high quality when the customer’s expectations are corroborated by subsequent service delivery. Service quality is important and strategic aspect in

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