A competitive world of numerous public and private service providers placed perceived quality as one of the crucial determinant in selecting a product or service. With the aim of determining service quality present study investigate multiple public and private agricultural extension service providers in Bangladesh. SERVQUAL model was employed to measure service quality using face to face interview with 391 respondents. This study was also complimented with qualitative methods like key informant interviews, focus group discussion and informal interviews. Z statistics revealed that there was a significant difference between the perceived and expected ratings on all of the service quality dimensions. It was also confirmed that highest gaps …show more content…
Several other studies posit that the performance of agricultural extension is unsatisfactory and a remarkable proportion of potential clients remain out of extension service (Haq, 2011; Porimol et al., 2008; Daily Star, 2008). In addition public agricultural extension is often criticized for being too top-down as well as large and medium farmer centered (Swanson, 2011; World Bank, 2005; Sobhan, 1995).
In general extension services offered by private organizations is conceived as better than public extension service although empirical evidences are scarce. Rather extension service offered by private companies can logically be criticized for high profit making intension and ignoring development motive (Haque, 2010). On the other hand NGOs may be little ahead in terms of contact frequency (ASIRP, 2003) and dealing with special farmer groups such as landless, marginal, etc. (Birner et al., 2010; Haque, 2010) but the quality of service and skill of extension of worker is not out of the question. Nonetheless NGOs are commonly criticized for working in fashionable locations, limited capacity for agricultural technology development and dissemination, more accountable to funding agencies than clients (Farrington, 1997).
A service deemed to be of high quality when the customer’s expectations are corroborated by subsequent service delivery. Service quality is important and strategic aspect in
Service quality - refers to difference between the level of service that is expected from consumers and the perception of the service that is actually received. (Caruana,
Service quality is referred to a valuation of how good a delivered service meets the customer’s expectation. Upper management
The price per acre of farm land doubled to $2,140 over the last 10 years. A lack of health care also hurts farmers as farming ranks as the fourth most dangerous occupation in the country, and young farmers often must choose between health care and paying for their farm. All of these obstacles and more make farming a difficult occupation to enter. We need organizations such as Young Farmers’ to provide support, education and training to help our nation’s most important
Source : Adapted from A. Parasuraman, Valerie Zeithaml, and Leonard Berry, “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research,” Journal of Marketing, 49 (Fall 1985)
A significant part of all land-grant universities is Cooperative Extension (MSU, n.d). It is a partnership between the land-grant universities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide for cooperative agricultural extension work. Today, the Extension Service provides research and non-formal education programs “traditional Extension” or “reaching out” to meet public needs. In Mississippi, county and regional extension offices are providing educational programs on local levels. Mississippi State University Extension Service has been working with farmers and agribusiness owners for over 100 years by providing practical and research-based education programs. The four major program areas covered
4. 2009 RVHS Year 5 End of Year Exams Paper CSQ1: Challenges of the Agricultural Sector
of the respondents are either satisfied (46.5%) or very satisfied (6.9%) with extension service leaving a little less than half (46.5%) in no opinion and dissatisfied category. These findings echoes findings of another study by Akanda & Rokunuzzaman (2012) in Northern Bangladesh on 160 respondents, where 46.9% farmers were found satisfied to moderately satisfied in terms of getting agricultural information.
The study employed independent t-test and chi-square test to make a comparison (to make sure the presence or absence of difference) between the participant and non-participant households. The mean values of continuous variables in the two categories were compared using independent t-test. The result of independent t-test pointed out the presence of a significant mean difference between the two categories in terms of age of household head, total household income, frequency of extension contact and distance to market. The result indicated that the mean age of participant households (44.73 years) was less than the non-participant households (48.59 years). The study also showed that those farmers who were participating in off-farm and non-farm activities had relatively better mean total income than non-participants. The mean value of total household income earned by those farmers who were engaged in off-farm and non-farm employment opportunities was Birr 17103.55, while it was birr 7628.77 for non-participant households. Furthermore, it also indicated that those households who were engaged in off-farm and non-farm employment income generating activities had less frequency of extension contact than those households who were not participants in off-farm and non-farm activities. The mean value of extension contact received by participant households was 12.35 contacts, while it was 17.38 for the non-participant household. Moreover, the finding of the study showed that the mean
Farmers do face lot of difficulties with the middlemen. The problems of our farmers to be understood and State Governments should give utmost priority as to how to protect our Agriculture. We can not ignore our Agriculture which provides livelihood to majority of Indians even now either directly or indirectly. Our State Government Agri Departments should function efficiently addressing the problems of the farmers from time to time. We need to maintain a modest Agri growth while focusing on the
Quality means the total features and characteristics of a product or service that has effects upon its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs (Davidson et al. 2006). All the challenges that managers need to face to are mentioned and defined above, the analysis of the relevance of these challenges and economic results will be addressed in the next paragraph.
Commercialization of agriculture is possible by performing agribusiness activities. Entrepreneurial extension is now indispensable and has to perform different roles of promoting production, processing, value addition, trade and marketing. Agribusiness is a generic term that refers to the various businesses involved in
In LDC's where agriculture is the major sector of the economy., very little attention is paid for educating the farmers to the use of modern agricultural practices. Unless the farmers are provided agricultural education and training on the fields, they will not be able to raise the agricultural the outlook of the farmers.
This construct is the judgment and perception of consumers about the excellence and global superiority of a good or service, compared to other competitors. Unlike objective quality, which are meant to standardize parameters and full functioning (that leads to consumer satisfaction), perceived quality is an attitudinal element, linked to the perception of significance (Parasuraman et al., 1988) . Fullerton (2005) indicates that relationships are built with perceived quality as the foundation. This construct is even stronger when inserted in the service sector, where Kandampully (1998), Hougaard and Bjerre (2003) point out the superiority of the companies where quality is superior.
must understand in order to remain competitive in business and hence grow. It is very
The previous chapter reviewed the agricultural extension practices where extension plays an important role in facilitating changes in a farming community. The literature indicated that there are a lot of extension approaches due to change of ideas, purposes vary, and paradigm shift. It appears that, agricultural extension involves many different approaches and methodologies. And it is managed and delivered through a variety of institutional arrangements. It seems that no single approach best suit extension development in all circumstances.