
Should Everyone Be Able To Leave The EU?

Good Essays

n 2016, some pretty dumb decisions were made across the world. Donald Trump was elected president and Britain sought to leave the EU.

In both cases, I am sure people would almost instantly agree that they were the wrong choices. This brings us back to the key question that we had in mind in part 1.

Should everyone be able to vote? Or only educated individuals?

Let us take a quick case study as to how/why were these decisions made if they were so flagrantly bad.

"Across the U.K., polls showed that only about 19% of people between the ages of 18 and 24 supported a British exit—the Brexit—from the E.U. Among pensioners, who came of age before the E.U. was created, a staggering 59% wanted their country to leave. And when all of …show more content…

As pointed out by psychologists, older people are generally less tolerant of ambiguity and have a higher need for closure and structure. This is often manifested by their stronger set of principles and rules, and a tendency to dismiss information that conflicts with their views. In addition, older people are also more likely to make categorical judgments about events, things, or people. This often involves acting in more prejudiced ways – to pre-judge means to judge before really judging – because in older ages preserving old knowledge is more important than acquiring new knowledge.

Hence, the question arises. Are they in a good position to decide if Britain should leave the EU? Let's ask the question that nobody wants to ask; Are they still sufficiently sensitive to be able to make good decisions?

A quick look at the US 2016 votes and it further reinforces our point.

Credits: Business Insider

Looking at the voting patterns above, we can quickly observe the following.
1. Rural living voters had voted for trump. In the US, rural states tend to keep to themselves. Being right-leaning (conservative) it is understandable that they would tend to vote Republican (Trump's party). However, rural voters are also understandably less educated. They have a less developed society and are still largely dependent on farming and manufacturing for economic growth. In this aspect, they would

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