
Skills Needed For Clean Office

Good Essays

Skills needed to clean office (listed on the table) – is the skills that all staff must have in order to clean offices properly. If a staff will be unskilled or have these skills on a poor level, the quality of the service will be lower and therefore customer will be dissatisfied and will not use our service in the future. So these skills are very important for the business as if workers will not be able to do their job, our business will not make any profit and therefore will not survive.

Human Skills

Relationship building – making good relationship with people is very important skill, as it gives a lot of opportunities. The type of business that I have suggests that I need work closely with people. Having a good competence in this …show more content…

Ability to inspire and motivate – motivating workers is essential for every business because it makes workers more efficient which will make business more productive and service better quality. Motivation is the spark as it pushes the workers to start doing their job. With motivation people will do work quicker as they are willing to get their job done at a good quality level.

Delegation of responsibilities – is the skill that helps to share responsibilities with employees. It will give more time in my schedule, so I can work on the other parts of the business in order to make it more efficient, or I can to think about any new ideas that can bring business success. However I need to understand which responsibilities I can give to the workers, because if they will be not able to finish their work, as they are unskilled to do it or don’t have any experience, it can affect all business and it can incur losses.

Ability to hire workers with required skills – Basically it is an interview. I need to interview all workers, look what skills they have and at which level. I need to do a test to see how they are doing the job and is it what required for the business. If I will be unable to do this, I will hire poorly skilled people and they will not be able to do their job, so I will lose my customers, as they will not be happy to have any future work

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