SNC briefed an above average five paragraph order. SNC correctly plotted and calculated the azimuth and distance to his objective. All of SNC’s order was very detailed with important information pertaining to his mission. SNC was able to speak quickly and give a complete order. However, as he was being briefed by the evaluator, SNC asked permission if he could go in a certain route; the evaluator denied his request and told SNC to stay on mission. During the execution of his mission, SNC was clearly in charge. However, SNC seemed frustrated when he could not get the attention of his team leaders and would make an excessive amount of noise to gain their attention. As they were on the move, SNC gave the order to go in the opposite direction
Mr. Toster has not seen in the CCSS OUTREACH lunch program. Mr. Toaster was having challenges finding an apartment due to his criminal record. He is being exited from the PATH/OUTREACH program because he left during the operating year. Hopefully, Case management can find his file to integrate the new exit forms the PATH/ OUTREACH program
Candidate Raies delivered a complete order but attempted to use large complex words to add emphasis to the order. These larger words caused him to slip up and miss some critical details of the statements he was trying to convey. This also led to him not briefing an initial plan and wasting time once he climbed onto the obstacle to develop one. While he developed his plan on the obstacle, his team sat idle and failed to maintain progress toward the objective. During execution, he utilized mission type orders to accomplish his goal, but froze when one of his subordinates was given a penalty. After this failure, it took Candidate Raies almost two minutes to develop a new plan. This affected his overall confidence for the rest of the exercise
this is why it is very important to follow Orders, beacause, because it can lead to some
Information passes up the chain of command and orders and commands are passed down the chain of command ("Chain," 2003). As the Proverb says a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If the wrong or ill-informed information is sent up the command chain then the decision at the top will be ill advised and the commands down the chain potentially disastrous.
The organization I will focus my assessment on is Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). SNHU is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution with more than 70,000 online students, where I work as a specialized Military Academic Advisor. Southern New Hampshire University, founded in 1932 as the New Hampshire School of Accounting and Secretarial Science, has evolved into one of the fastest growing and most dynamic private, nonprofit universities in the nation (About us, 2017). There are many departments and programs at SNHU, but I will focus on my position as a fully online Military Academic Advisor. The online programs fall under the College of Continuing and Online Education (COCE). I began training in October 2016, and have retained a lot of the latest information and built on that with continued training and mentorship. Our mission says “We exist to make high-quality education accessible and affordable for all. Through our innovative culture and unwavering commitment to student success, we empower students to transform their lives and the lives of those around them” (About us, 2017).
Yes, the “About MTC” pages of Management and Training Corporation (MTC) do reflect its mission statement; it reads,
SNC attempted to rush through the brief which lead to the Orientation being unclear. The FT began the execution with SNC’s initial plan, and he was able to control his FT up to the point of friction. When the enemy began firing on them, one of the FT members yelled “contact front.” SNC was unsure which direction the enemy was and yelled “contact left,” but quickly realized his FT was not on line with him so he yelled “contact right.” Once everyone was finally oriented in the proper direction SNC failed to provide any additional information or pass any commands before simply telling his FT to begin rushing. While conducting the buddy-team rushing the FT had neither coordination nor guidance from SNC, they simply rushed in the general direction
1a. How did Cisco find itself in trouble with regard to its intended IT prior to Brad Boston's arrival?
Candidate Lucchesi failed to address higher or supporting in friendly situation. He briefed coordinating instructions information as his scheme of maneuver, addressed coordinating instructions as 'none', and also failed to issue tasks to his team members. SNC did not use the order effectively to communicate his plan. He lacked command presence during his brief, showing that he was not comfortable with the orders process or how the information was to be organized. The lack of clear initial guidance to his team members in the order required the creation of a plan at the start of the execution, delaying initial progress. After friction was first encountered, the team leader lost momentum due to the delay in adjusting the plan and re-engaging the
Nucor has been facing many industry challenges including the overall development of the industry. They are competing with foreign firms on cost and efficiency. Nucor has a low cost strategy because as they say their product is not necessarily very attractive. It does not have attractive or unique selling features other than its cost. The commodity of steel is in a very competitive market. Nucor understands that innovation and productivity are going to be key factors to keep their buyers satisfied with their prices. Nucor is facing many challenges with a growing world market and many of their competitors merging in order to create stronger more dominate
A dependence grows between employee and leader in which the employee has grown accustomed to the leader giving orders and directions, and makes every effort to follow such guidance to the letter. This dependence does not bode well in situations of high stress and shortened reaction times. As General Honoré stated, the first part of the leader 's job is to "set people on the right path" (“A Military General’s Leadership Lessons,” 2009). This happens when the leader gives the initial order. In this case, it was to evacuate the people out of harms way. The plan was then laid out for the authorities to execute.
1. Cisco suffered from inertia when an attempt was made to engage business management in selecting software for their individual areas, and/or agreeing to participate in the ERP implementation project. List and explain reasons why management would hesitate to become engaged in the IT process/project.
Cynthia Cooper was contemplating over this whole debacle with what was the right decision to make with her discovering “almost four billion dollars in questionable accounting entries”. (Mead) While contemplating something crossed her mind on deciding if she should speak up and become known as a whistleblower, is that her findings could cost WorldCom’s credibility, about seventy thousand employees would lose their jobs, and also pension funds that were loaded with WorldCom stock. Her job as an internal auditor she had a responsibility to WorldCom’s Stockholders and also her own conscious to do something like as the fraud that was uncovered was so
1. If I were Skip Grenoble, which alternative would you advise Ms. Shannon to implement? What criteria would you use to arrive at your decision?
Doug Allred was Vice President of Customer Advocacy organization of the Cisco’s corporation. This organization was erected to consolidated all functions that directly touched the customer but sales to provide high-quality customer service. Since August 2001, the IT market turned down and brought severe challenges to Cisco as the company had to lay off 18% of its employees and reorganized its structure, transforming from decentralized organizational structure with three business units to centralized organization. However, these changes stabilized the volatile situation of the economy but threatened Cisco’s customer focus, a