
Social And Social Impacts Of Tourism On Las Palmas

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What are the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism on Las Palmas?

Las Palmas, the capital of Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands in Spain is a beautiful place to visit during the holiday. A subtropical climate, mild to warm temperatures which stay quite the same throughout the entire year and sandy beaches tempt tourists every year. These great features promote the tourism in Las Palmas. Literally tourism, or in this case, mass tourism, is a move of people around the world. It is all about presenting the character of a touristic destination and providing great facilities in order to satisfy customers (tourists) desires and their changing, dynamic needs, mainly focusing on their preferences. If tourism was not provided in Las Palmas, people would go bankrupt as tourism states 32% of GDP in …show more content…

However, Las Palmas exists only thanks to tourism. The Canary Islands would not be able to exist if tourism was not provided. The economic impacts of tourism on Las Palmas are that tourism became a major economy, that it makes up 32% of GDP. It creates a lot of new temporary jobs, but they are low paid so they unfortunately are not any good opportunities for inhabitants. Due to big numbers of people coming, main infrastructures of Las Palmas get worse. The social impacts are that both inhabitants and tourists interact together, get to know about each other’s culture. Global interest and awareness is raised. Tourists destroy cultural monuments, act bad after drinking alcohol and speak other language what is confusing for original residents. The environmental impacts on Las Palmas are that a lot of woodlands are cut down in order to place new accommodations there. It causes the loss in diversity of the landscape. However, there are some places full of trees as some people prefer spending their holiday in wood houses in forests. Therefore, trees are

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