
Social Media And The World Of Business & Seo

Decent Essays

Social sites that you’re not using but should be. Social media & user engagement is becoming a giant in the world of business & SEO. More businesses than ever are taking heed & are getting involved & are diluting the social market, so what can you do to stand out? Every business & their Grandma are using the typical social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, you get the idea. However, there are other sites you should be using yet you’re not, & why? Because they are more labour intensive? They’re not the usual style for your business? Social media is not for advertising, it’s for connecting with your audience & making content that is useful & relevant to them! Regardless, let’s get onto the list shall we? 1) Tumblr Tumblr is the 5th biggest social media site with an estimated 110 million unique visitors per month, & is my personal favourite site. The engagement from users on Tumblr is something I have never seen, with posts easily being seen by 1000s of people. Take the restaurant Denny’s for example, they hit 1000 notes on almost every post & a lot of the time far surpass that! So, why are businesses not succeeding on Tumblr? I’ll tell you why. It’s because a vast majority of businesses view it as an advertising platform & approach it like Facebook with a more professional tone, whereas on Tumblr, the main age demographic is 16-24 with almost half of all users falling into that category. So you have to tackle it with a friendlier & casual approach, show them your

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