
Lab: Soil Porosity And Permeability

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GEO101L Earth Science
Module 3 Lab: Soil Porosity and Permeability
Soils are made up of particles of rock, along with the spaces between those particles. Physical characteristics of soil particles, such as size and shape, can influence how water moves through them. Aquifers are underground layers of rock that are capable of storing water. An aquifer is recharged when water filters through the soil levels above it.
In this lab you will investigate the characteristics of known and unknown soil samples. The Lab Kit includes gravel, sand, and top soil samples, and you are to get a local sample from the soil at your home or a potted plant in your house.
This lab will look at the porosity and permeability of these soil samples. Porosity …show more content…

In your own words. define porosity.

2. If you were an environmental engineer, where would you recommend placing a drinking water well after learning about soil porosity and permeability? Explain why.

3. Which soil sample that you tested had the greatest risk of transferring harmful chemicals into a drinking water aquifer? Explain why.

Experiment 2: Soil Permeability
Methods to Measure Soil Permeability
Please read through the directions before starting your experiment.
1. Set up apparatus so the plastic funnel is in the graduated cylinder.
2. Place a piece of filter paper in the funnel so that solid material does not flow through. Watch this short movie on how to fold filter paper
3. Using a beaker, measure 25 mL of your first soil type and place it in the funnel, on top of the filter paper.
4. Using a graduated cylinder, measure 50 mL of water and slowly pour it into the funnel. Let the water percolate through the soil and collect it in the graduated cylinder below. BEGIN TIMING AS SOON AS THE WATER TOUCHES THE SOIL SAMPLE.
6. Continue to time until the water has stopped collecting in the beaker. Record the

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