
Soul Surfer Movie Analysis

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“Soul Surfer” was an inspiring autobiographical film that was released April of 2011. This film was produced by Sean Mcnamara. Soul Surfer was based on a thirteen year old girl named Bethany Hamilton. Bethany was a very high spirited teen; until one day when she lost her left arm due to a shark attack. Earlier in the day, her friend Alana Blanchard asked her to come surfing with her. Bethany thought nothing of it, just another day out in the water. Once they got to the beach everything was calm and the waves were silent. Bethany and Alaina both got in the water quickly. They looked at each other wondering who will catch the first wave. A few moments later, Bethany gets pulled under water. A shark had attacked Bethany. Alana is in shock and doesn't know what to do. This creates such a thrilling part in the fim for the audience. The film gives very graphic detail on when the shark attacked Bethany. It created suspense whether she was going to live or die. Soon after being shocked, Alana swims up to Bethany and gets her on the board. Pulling her as hard as she can to get her back onto the shore. Everywhere Alana looks it's full of red. Once Alana gets onto shore she calls 911 right away. The film does a terrific job making this tragedy seem real. Soon after, Bethany is in the ambulance. Grady 2
The amount of blood she had lost was unreal.

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