Lab 2: Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron In Vitamin Tablets
- To determine the amount of iron in a generic vitamin tablet on a per tablet (in grams) basis.
- To prepare standards using a pre-made iron solution to help determine the iron content in our generic vitamin tablets
- Determine absorbances of our vitamin tablets and standards using the spectrophotometer
1. Mass three vitamin tablets that contain iron
2. Place each vitamin in a 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask with 25 mL of 6M HCl
3. Do the same as above with no vitamin (This will be the reagent blank)
4. In the hood, simmer until the vitamin completely dissolves plus an additional 3 minutes.
5. After vitamin dissolves, allow to cool and then filter
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Looking at my results, for each of the vitamins I found there to be 19.2mg, 7.27mg, and 13.3mg for each of the three vitamins we used. I know when conducting this experiment, we noticed that the final solution for the second tablet (7.27 mg Fe / vitamin), the solution was much lighter than the other two final diluted solutions (with the added phenanthroline, citrate solution and hydroquinone). The color of this solution was not as dark peachy red/orange. This color was a much lighter color not showing so much of a red characteristic and rather a lighter peachy / orange color. Furthermore, I feel that the iron in the third vitamin was not so close to the 18 mg mark because we did stop that one a little bit early. Due to time, the vitamin was not fully dissolved upon taking it off the hot plate, which definitely resulted in a lower amount of iron being found in the solution. Taking the mg of Fe in each vitamin, a ratio was set up with the mass of each tablet to find the amount of iron in one gram of tablet, resulting in 52.5g, 18.9g, and 36.2g for each tablet respectively. In this experiment, I feel that the results I achieved were decent. Like mentioned before, due to stopping short on the third tablet and noticing a different color solution for the second, definitely shows that the results achieved were not to the 18 mg iron par, but were close if it was able to be finished properly. Just by looking at my result for the first tablet, you
Pour 50 mL of distilled water into a 100 mL beaker, and then add the unknown substance into it. Mix thoroughly to create the aqueous solution. Now fill a new cuvette with this new solution and place into the SpectroVis Plus device; after wiping the outside with a Kimwipe as usual. Be sure to take note of the absorbance when wavelength is at its maximum. Afterwards, Be sure to take all solutions containing Iron(III) and pour them into the container specified for hazardous wastes.
• Serially dilute the 4 mg/ml solution with buffer A to make working solutions of 400 µg/ml and 40 µg/ml.
The titration method had the best correlation coefficient of the entered data. The crystallization method had the most accurate slope for the
The results for the “Total Hardness” test varied between 20 ppm -128 ppm. The “Total Alkalinity” results varied between 28 ppm – 84 ppm. The results for the “Iron” test were between 0 ppm – 1 ppm. For the “Chloride” the results were as low as 20 ppm and went all the way to 8,000 ppm, but for most part the results were from 20 ppm – 60 ppm. The “Color in Water Low Range” test showed that the max APHA Color was 20 and the lowest APHA Color was 0, which is a great result. Results for the “Turbidity Column” test were Not Applicable (N/A). For both the “Chromate” and “Copper” test the results were 0 ppm. The results for “Zinc” varied between 0 ppm – 2
Introduction: The goal or purpose of this experiment was to determine the concentration of Allura Red in red commercially available beverage- Gatorade. Colorimeter are used to shine a LED light through the solution and hit a photocell: it will detect an absorbance or a percent transmittance value. These “value” can be charted and examined as a calibration curve. Calibration curve is a method for determining a substance concentration in an unknown sample
1. Label each substance on seven pieces of paper. Put two pieces of magnesium ribbon on the paper labeled “Magnesium”.
13 September 2015 C4C Jacee French She sent me the email that had the grading rubric in it that we received in class. She also gave me guidance on whether or not I should write about the mineral my percent composition matched up with or the mineral near that with the correct physical
The procedures for experiment A, B, and C all start the same. The first step is to put on goggles and get the data collection device set properly. The labquest needs to be plugged into the colorimeter accurately so that a click is heard when putting it in. The labquest needs to be reading digitally and the colorimeter needs to be set to 635 nm. Then shake the chloroplast solution and take a clean cuvette and fill it with 3 mL of distilled water, 3 drops of the chloroplast solution, and cap it. This is used as a blank to calibrate your labquest. Double check that the labquest is reading absorbance, this assures that the colorimeter is plugged into the labquest accurately. Insert the blank into the colorimeter and hit the calibration button. Take out the blank and empty it. The labquest is now set to experiment with. Make sure that the heat bank is set in front of the lamp and that the lamp is on. The cuvette must be placed on the opposite side of the heat bank in the path of light in the box so that no other light can interfere with the experiment.
0.1 gram of my product from the second trial was weighed in a tray and was then added to a fourth test tube containing 2.0 mL of Iron (III) chloride, which was measured using a 10 mL graduated cylinder, to test for
Iron is one of the important minerals that is required for our bodies to function properly. Most of the iron in our body is found in the blood such as haemoglobin, approximately 60 -70% of the human body’s iron is found in the haemoglobin, a protein in the blood that transports oxygen. Iron is also present in muscle tissue and some enzymes. There are two types of iron in the body which are “Heme Iron” from animal products and “Non-Heme Iron” vegetables and
titrating to determine the oxalate content (C2O42-) of the salt. An aqueous solution of the iron oxalate salt is prepared for titration, and the oxalate content is found through analysis
Table 2: Consists of color extract taken from a red cabbage for a natural indicator. The pH reading that was measured by using the pH meter and the result of the pH reading to determine whether the solution was acidic or basic.
2000mg/day. If doses >2000mg/day are required, give in 3 divided doses (not to exceed 2500mg/day)
Iron Deficiency Anemia affects millions of individuals across the world. This disease strikes many more women than men and has harmful effects on all who suffer from this deficiency that causes oxygen-carrying capacity to decrease. The causes can vary amongst different groups, but the aggravating symptoms remain constant. Much of the research on Iron Deficiency Anemia concentrates on not only the treatment of this disease, but also the prevention of it. To attain a better understanding of how to treat this problem, one must clearly know what Iron Deficiency Anemia means, what causes this disease, the effects of it, and finally how to cure it.
For generating valuable data with a desired accuracy and to quantify concentration of the constituents present in the samples being analyzed.