This paper intends to inform the reader about the history of breakfast and how it came to exist in the form in which it is consumed today; while also bringing to light the importance of breakfast, despite limitations due to time, particularly among young students and working people (millennials), by bringing forth the benefits of eating in the mornings, and also building relationships and connecting through meals.
The Tudors of England invented the very concept of breakfast. Breakfast was a nameless, non time-specific, non-entity that did not even exist before 1600. The origin of the word breakfast can be traced back to 1463. According to the Oxford Dictionary, breakfast was used as a noun to describe the meal with which a person breaks his
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For example, Indian breakfasts like dosa, traditionally eaten by hand, usually with a side like chutney or sambar have no roots in British colonialism, but rather was a product of availability and convenience of source food. The traditional south Indian breakfast consists of savory dishes like idli, appam, dosa, etc. The north Indian breakfast consists of more rice-based foods like poha. In addition to savory, sweet dishes like oats and sweet pongal are also part of traditional breakfast habits of Indians.
It is useful to point out that we have come full circle in today’s day and age, from where breakfast started, where it might indeed be considered a luxury few can afford; not only in terms of money but in terms of time. Millennials are bogged down by commitments, clock-bound deadlines, and are pressed for time. This can be attributed to the growing age of technology where cycles move faster. Everything from news cycles to deadlines has been shortening drastically to accommodate for a newer form of
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The volunteers under study showed up to 500 cal more energy consumption in light intensity movement as compared to that of their breakfast-skipping counterparts. Breakfast skippers were not compelled to gouge down more during lunch or dinner, but did feel more sluggish in the mornings.
To sum it up, the study revealed that in terms of weight loss, breakfast ‘may just be another meal’, but when it comes to getting that engine revved up, and stepping on the gas to power through the day, breakfast is in fact very important.
Marketing in the mid 1800s had an impact on the popularity of breakfast and how it was perceived. Before corporate cereal advertising, breakfast was in fact not given that much importance. It was viewed to be the same as lunch or dinner. The advent of the cereal market added a new dimension to breakfast. Advertising had a significant influence on the perception that breakfast was the most important meal of the
Breakfast in England usually was taken early if they were poor or later if they were rich. While most of their breakfast consisted of of bread, bread and milk, or cornmeal mush and milk together, along with tea. However in America, colonists rose early to start chores, then later
Some say breakfast really isn’t that important. states that, breakfast is not healthier people who don’t eat breakfast are usually the ones who don’t exercise and grab a doughnut on their way to work, eat junk food at noon and a big dinner in front of the TV. This can be true but, some other breakfast foods can be unhealthy also not just a doughnut. Daron Taylor claims that, “If English citizens suddenly began to eat a traditional English breakfast every day, one that comes in at a whopping 855 calories with over 2,000 grams of sodium, the United Kingdom would most likely be facing a monumental national health crisis. The author doesn’t explain why, breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. NPR’s Allison Aubrey claims that “a breakfast of just this kind of sugary cereal is not the way to start the day.” What the author fails to consider is that some people don’t have the money to go eat a healthy breakfast each day.
Poptarts emerged onto the breakfast scene in the early 1960s, a creation of the Kellogg Company, aimed at revolutionizing the morning meal
I can remember rare occasions as a child when I would wake up for school and there would be pancakes, eggs and bacon on the table and orange juice or Sunny Delight to drink. These exciting occasions, however, were just that: rare. Most days I would bound down the stairs to the toaster loaded with Pop-Tarts. I would usually be disappointed that I couldn't devour a wholesome breakfast, but I later came to understand the convenience of the Pop-Tart. My parents could put pastries in the toaster and continue to get ready for their day without having to worry about too much clean-up. It was during these early days of my education that I really found a love for the sugary, fruit-filled pastries.
Breakfast was eaten right after getting up in the morning. It was normally a small meal made up of cold foods like leftovers, eggs, or bread and butter. "But since breakfast was by definition eaten early, those who did not rise early did not eat it."
Breakfast - is around the times 7am-11am the meal that's is eaten around that time is; eggs, bacon, and pancakes with milk or orange juice on the side as a drink. people are sometimes in a rush to go to school or work so they might just have; cereal, tea or coffee.
Lifestyle and many researches have said that eating breakfast leads to successful weight loss. (Logos)
It would serve nutritious and energizing food before school begins so that kids who rushed out of their house and forgot breakfast or they didn’t eat enough at home and are still hungry, still get a good start to their day. Breakfast is a very important meal and all kids should have the opportunity to get it. An article written by shows that “Kids who eat breakfast on a daily basis are 20% more likely to graduate”. When kids miss breakfast, they become more distracted during the day then kids who eat breakfast and as a result have better focus. In a class survey of 52 seventh graders, conducted on February 28, 2017 at SVMS, showed that 40% of kids feel they would benefit from a breakfast program. Eating breakfast helps kids feel more satisfied throughout the day and not want to snack as much which helps them to not consume as much fast food. A breakfast program would benefit lots of people and help them have a better start to their
To begin with, there are many employed people in America. It is hard to avoid the fact that not everyone has time to cook the healthiest meal. Many people have more than one thing going on in their life, one of them being work. When a person works they have to worry about looking presentable, and going by the dress code the certain job has established. It can take a while for a person to get ready, especially if they have children to worry about also. Once that person gets everything together, they have to rush to school to leave their children on time so that they can still have enough time to eat some breakfast in school. That being said, the adult would not have enough time to eat the most important meal of the day, which would be breakfast. Because that person did not eat breakfast, they would have to wait until their lunch break to eat. The thing that
ATTENTION GETTER: Imagine your alarm going off in the morning, and you hit the snooze button, you usually just lay there thinking about what you can get rid of from your morning routine just for those few extra minutes of sleep. Students our age and even most adults tend to eliminate the most important meal of the day...breakfast. However, skipping it may have a harsher impact on your
Transition: The problem of skipping breakfast however does not only lie within time crunches, but also with dieting.
As scholars are constantly reminded to eat a healthy portion of breakfast before testing, most scholars find themselves wondering, “Would eating breakfast really improve my performance?” According to many psychologists, consuming breakfast may have benefits in performance, but to an extent. However, some have also deduced that breakfasts may also harm the performance of scholars. Nonetheless, scholars who eat a healthy breakfast seem to have higher energy levels and ability than those who did not because of the nutrients consumed and absorbed by the body and mind. Consuming breakfasts would have beneficial effects on learning, to an extent; however, the different types of breakfasts could also have detrimental effects as well. The goal of this research is to determine not if breakfasts improve academic performance, but by how much? In addition, to the fact that there are possible “side effects” to this method of improvement, which leads to ask, are all breakfasts healthy? Scholars eating breakfast in order to improve performance may be possible for academic performance. However, if scholars believe and reason over the fact that eating breakfast does improve academic performance, then the effects of school behavior would be tested. Consuming a breakfast does provide nutrients for the body and mind. However, the nutrients provided could only benefit the body and mind to such a limit. Then, there is also the
As the old adage says, breakfast literally “break the fast” of night-time laziness. Morning meal is filling one’s storming belly and providing stamina to face the entire day. Tea, coffee, egg, noodle, bread, artificially fruit-flavoured foods with milk, steamed rise and cereals are the most famous and regularly preferable breakfast found in most cultures and cuisines around the world. According to the Liangli, Rong and Fereidoon (2012, p-1), cereals alone as a breakfast captured $24.5 billion in global market in 2008, and it’s grow roughly 17.1% to a total value of $28.7
My target area began as a focus on eating more in general. The food available at PSP was not always ideal, many times the food was either unhealthy or there simply weren’t enough options that I enjoyed. As a result, I noticed that my weight began to significantly decline and I desperately wanted to allay this problem. After completing my log sheets over three weeks, I came to the realization that the bulk of my missed meals came in the morning. I would sleep until eight to make sure that I received adequate sleep, however, I realized that in doing this; I was forgoing breakfast which was negatively affecting my health and my performance at Cornell. In fact, “research involving adults and children has indicated that breakfast might enhance memory, attention, the speed of processing information, reasoning, creativity, learning, and verbal abilities” (Consumer Reports). No matter a person’s age, breakfast is a vital part of their life.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Who here didn’t have their breakfast this morning? I bet most of you did. I used to be one of those too until last month when I did a research on Biology and by chance, came across a fact about how important breakfast is. I believe that as soon as you heard the topic, you will assume that I am going to give you a life lesson as your parents do. “Breakfast is the most essential meal” is spoken by every mother, yet the reasons why we should eat breakfast have never been clarified more clearly and seriously. The following speech will highlight that breakfast is required for three main reasons; first, it helps improve our grades; second, it controls our balance diet; and more importantly; it can promote