
Spiritual And Psychological Inventory Paper

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Spiritual and Psychological Inventory


A spiritual and psychological inventory can be useful in helping someone to determine their current state of wellness. Kathleen Dowling Singh (2000) talks about how a spiritual assessment is helpful when people are close to dying as they begin to honestly and urgently examine their lives. Singh (2000) also suggests that regardless of how much time we have left to live, answering the questions in a spiritual inventory will help provide direction to our lives. The following questions were developed for this purpose and were used for an interview, the responses from the interview follows in Appendix A.

Interview Questions

1. What is your definition of spirituality?

a. This question helps …show more content…

What is really important in your life? What really matters?

4. What would you be better off doing more of?

5. What would you be better off doing less of?

a. The previous three questions are helpful in focusing on what is important and not important in one’s life and what has worth, and assists in redirecting one’s desires and gaining insight into what is most important in life.

6. What kind of medicine for the soul do you use?

a. This question describes the inner resources people use to move closer to the divine, some of which may be faith, humor, and love (Seward, 2013).
7. Do you feel you work toward your psychological development on a daily basis? If yes, what things do you? If no, what are the reasons that you don’t?
a. This question helps determine the person’s awareness of their psychological status, and identifies any roadblocks to their psychological development.
8. What types of things do you do to relieve stress in your life?

a. It is helpful to know what tools the person currently uses (if any) to relieve stress, or perceived stress, and creates awareness of the need to reduce stress. 9. What do you view as one of your biggest stressors in life to your current wellbeing?

a. Recognizing stressors is important in reducing or avoiding …show more content…

The interview was conducted over the telephone. Based on her answers, Alexis appears to be very spiritual individual (see Appendix A). Her answer to the question about what is spirituality was very profound. To her, spirituality is one’s ability to commune on a spiritual higher plane, which she explained is when you develop your ability to communicate. She went on to share several ways that one may do this. Alexis is also a “religious” person, and spoke of God in many of her answers. She spoke of praying, talking to God, studying “The Word,”(the Bible), and meditating. Alexis appears to have a very well developed spiritual life. Though I don’t think she thought of it previously as spiritual development, it is what she does. The most important things for her she explained were, on a physical level, her family, and on a spiritual level, it would be her relationship with God. Alexis does need to actively work on her psychological development. She allows very little time for this as life happens, though she does recognize the need for this to happen. Though, her spiritual development includes mediation, which, as Seward (2013) suggests, aids in achieving a state of physical calmness. Alexis’s biggest stressor is worry, about a lot of things in general, and about her family in particular. However, she handles stress very well, and has several mechanisms that she uses to reduce stress when it happens, such as walking,

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