
Stereotypical Libertarian

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A stereotypical libertarian would be a guy around the age of 18 to 22. These men feel the need to have a controversial opinion like “Legalize Recreational Heroin”, “Taxation is Theft”, or some other outlandish statement. This group only identifies as libertarians because libertarians are obviously secret liberals or conservatives trying to pander to the other side. Libertarians are hardcore capitalists, and borderline anarcho-capitalists, with no care for poor people, because in the words of Ron Swanson, a fictional character on the show Parks and Recreations,“ Capitalism: God’s way of determining who is smart and who is poor.” Obnoxiousness is in the blood of a libertarian because libertarians obviously know what's best for America and everyone …show more content…

These people are crazy and conspiracy theorists who believe the “evil” government is always out to get them.Libertarians want to legalize illicit drugs just so they can use them and not get into any trouble. This culture of men hold the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence in high regards. Libertarians praise the works of Thomas Paine and all libertarians have a little Patrick Henry in them. In my experience with this group, I have seen certain stereotypical aspects other people see. Around 2012, I got into politics and was really following the presidential race at the time. It was that year that Ron Paul was running and I could relate to all his political views. Although he eventually dropped out of the race, it was clear that there was a rise in the libertarian movement and I followed as well. Recently more politicians have joined the movement. Rand Paul, son of Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul, is a Senator from Kentucky and joined the 2016 presidential race. Former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson and Michigan Congressman Justin Amash are few other notable libertarians.Though the movement was growing, it rarely ever entered the media. On the occasion, you would have voices like Bernie Goldberg and John Stossel able to spread the

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