
Strategic Safety Plan In Article, Toward a New Trilateral Strategic Security Relationship: United States, Canada, and Mexico

Decent Essays

Toward a New Trilateral Strategic Security Relationship: United States, Canada, and Mexico

The article “Toward a New Trilateral Strategic Security Relationship” written by Richard J. Kilroy, Jr., Abelardo Rodríguez Sumano and Todd S. Hataley, published in the Journal of Strategic Security; introduces the idea(s) of a trilateral strategic security relationship between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The term trilateral means to involve or share three parties, therefore this is a perfect term to use when it comes to creating a strategic security plan between the three countries discussed in this paper.

The Trilateral Commission has three separate regions: European, North American, and Asia Pacific; it created in the early 1970’s, as a way to increase global interdependence. Trilateral summits have taken place globally between said countries in regards to the security issues each country is perceptible to as far as acts of terror, natural disasters and/or epidemic issues. Trilateral commissions are non-governmental, policy-oriented groups that focus on discussion. The sole purpose of a trilateral commission is to encourage an understanding and mutual aid among the three regions that make up said commission on shared global issues. The United States, Canada, and Mexico make up the North American Commission and the discussion of joining forces to create a strategic security plan with each other has been a heavy topic of discussion. The United States feels that this

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