
Stress And Anxiety

Decent Essays

How Stress and Depression Influence Each Other

When people are under stress, they feel anxious and at times, depression sets in, but both feeling influence the other one, so they hinder people's ability to cope in difficult situations.

An example of an anxious response is when you face an uphill battle you start feeling stressed out to the point that you lose the ability to think clear enough to deal with the situation. The fear you feel takes over your life at that moment, and it overwhelms you. As a result, you withdraw from not only your fear, but also the issue.

When delivering a depressive response, you feel that the entire situation is hopeless, and that you are helpless to change it. Feelings such are these zap the energy totally …show more content…

Feelings of fear make you think that it is hopeless to tackle the challenge so you avoid the issue completely, which compounds the problem. Reacting to anxiety with avoidance and escape, whether through watching television, drinking alcohol, or other ineffectual actions convinces you that you do not have any willpower. Once this happens, then you feel shame and guilt since you also lose faith in your abilities, and this leads to additional avoidance to start the cycle once again.

Working with a coach is an effective way to avoid this vicious cycle. You will reach beyond your own abilities to learn better coping skills and actions. Your self-esteem may still take a hit here, though, as you are admitting you cannot deal with the situation on your own.

Do not be trapped by this type of negative thinking! You should first admit that the situation overwhelms you. After this, find the determination to reach out to a reliable, knowledgeable coach who will help you to build up your strengths to the point where you will be able to react effectively to challenges in your life.

Coaching shows clients how to stay calm in difficult scenarios. A coach will spur you on to discuss your experiences in detail. He or she also will travel along with you while both of you examine negative thoughts and emotions that come to light, and at times, discovering their relationships to past issues, which in turn helps you release their influence on …show more content…

You develop both over time by examining the reason for the challenges and the contributing factors. You may learn meditation to teach you to concentrate even when happenings stir up unpleasant feelings or emotions so that you can still perform daily tasks mindfully without fumbling the ball so to speak. Other ways to develop awareness include concentrating on your emotions to gain a deeper understanding about what they truly reflect, or dream analysis to discover additional understanding of your life situation and attitude. Writing in a journal also is beneficial when are working on your

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