
Stress And Anxiety-Related Disorders

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Stress and Anxiety-Related Disorders

Stress and anxiety that manifest habitually or is disproportionate to the stressor

are signs of an anxiety disorder. It is estimated that 40 million Americans succumb to

one form or another of anxiety disorders. People experiencing these disorders can feel

stressed and anxious daily for an unprecedented amount of time. These disorders include:
• Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common anxiety disorder that causes uncontrollable worrying. Sometimes people worry about bad things happening to them or loved ones, and at other times the person may not be able to identify the source of worry.
• Panic disorder is a condition that causes moments of extreme fear, a pounding heart, and shortness …show more content…

• Social phobia is a condition that causes intense feelings of anxiety in situations that involve interacting with others.
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a condition that causes repetitive thoughts and the compulsion to complete certain ritual actions.

Techniques to Manage Stress and Anxiety

At times, it is normal to experience stress and anxiety as there are strategies you

can use to manage them. Pay attention to how your mind and body respond to stressful and

anxiety-producing situations. When an experience occurs that may be stressful, you will better

anticipate and react less disruptive. Certain changes in lifestyle help to alleviate the symptoms,

along with medical treatment. Some of these techniques include:
• Eating a balanced, healthy diet
• Limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption
• Getting enough sleep
• Getting regular …show more content…

It could lead to problematic substance abuse issues that will worsen your condition.

Seeking Professional Help for Stress and Anxiety

There are many ways to seek treatment for stress and anxiety. If you are feeling you

cannot cope with stress and anxiety, you primary care provider could advise you to seek a mental

health provider. They may use psychotherapy, aka “talk therapy”, to assist you through your

stress and anxiety. The therapist may also teach you applied relaxation techniques to help you

manage stress.
• Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular and effective method used to manage anxiety. This type of therapy teaches you to recognize anxious thoughts and behaviors and change them into more positive ones.
• Exposure therapy and systematic desensitization can be effective in treating phobias.
They involve gradually exposing you to anxiety-provoking stimuli to help manage your feelings of fear.

Your primary care provider may, in addition, prescribe medication to treat a diagnosed

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