All three fungi, Pleurotus pulmonarius, Pycnoporus sanguineus and Trichoderma sp. were grown in three different type of media MEA, PDA and GYMP under conditions of pH 5.5 and temperature of 27.
Based on the graphs, Pleurotus pulmonarius grew faster in the medium of MEA followed by GYMP and PDA. Pycnoporus sanguineus and Trichoderma sp. grew faster in MEA medium as well but followed by PDA and then GYMP. The accumulative growth for Pleurotus pulmonarius in MEA medium is 2.11875, PDA medium is 1.393333, and GYMP is 2.166666667. The accumulative growth for Pycnoporus sanguineus in MEA medium is 2.247916667, PDA medium is 2.475, and GYMP is 2.348333333. The accumulative growth for Trichoderma sp in MEA medium is about 2.64 ( 2.641666667) cm, PDA medium is about 2.53 (2.529166667) cm, and GYMP is about 2.85 (2.852777778) cm.
In triplicates of Pleurotus pulmonarius, white mycelium colonies were formed in both MEA and PDA media, but white and orange colony were observed in GYMP medium. The MEA medium causes Pleurotus pulmonarius to form dense mycelia, but less dense in media PDA and GYMP. Totally, none of the media contributed to sporulation from Pleurotus pulmonarius and moreover, in MEA medium, it took 6 days for it to grow to the maximum length provided while the GYMP medium, it took 7 days. As for the PDA medium, even after 7 days, it did not reach the maximum length of the petri dish.
For Pycnoporus sanguineus, orange and white colonies is formed in all three media. This
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to observe the behavior of the Armadillium vulgare (roly- poly
The effects of temperature on fungal amylase Aspergillus oryzae, and bacterial amylase, Bacillus licheniformis ability to break down starch into maltose was studied. The study determined the optimal temperature the Aspergillus oryzae and Bacillus licheniformis was able to break down the fastest. The starch catalysis was monitored by an Iodine test, a substance that turns blue-black in the presence of starch. Amylase catabolizes starch polymers into smaller subunits. Most organisms use the saccharide as a food source and to store energy (Lab Manual, 51). The test tubes were labeled with a different temperature (0°C, 25°C, 55°C, 85°C). Each test tube was placed in its respective water baths for five minutes. After the equilibration process, starch was placed in the first row of the first row of the spot plate. Iodine was then added to the row revealing a blue black color. The starch was then added to the amylase. After every two minute section a pipette was used to transfer the starch-amylase solution to place three drops of the solution into the spot plate row under the corresponding temperature. Iodine drops was placed in the row. Color changes were noted and recorded. The results showed Aspergillus oryzae was found to have an optimal temperature between 25°C and 55°C and Bacillus licheniformis was found to have an
The aim of this experiment is to follow the growth of Serratia marcescens in nutrient broth at 37oCby recording the changes in turbidity (cloudiness) by measuring the absorbance of visible light (600 nm) and also to prove that there is an increase in the cell number and not just in mass during the growth.
Following that, the cell density of the culture is measured. Depending on the number of cells, a series of x 10-fold serial dilutions should be made. The last dilution should contain between 100 and 1000 cells per milliliters. Three LB plates are then labeled with A, B, and C. Ten microliters of the last dilution are spread on Plate A and one hundred microliters of the last dilution on Plate B. On Plate C, one hundred microliters of the dilution before the last are distributed.
The most ideal habitat for P. Polycephalum is a moist and shady region but not only is it suitable for P. Polycephalum but its also suitable for bacteria, archea and protists that it feeds on (Jabr, 2012). When it engulfs its food, it grows with the help of Phagocytosis and then it becomes a mass of multinucleate protoplasm, which then has a bright yellow color,
Paramecium micronucleatum is a relatively large and lethargic species of Paramecium. They are a relatively easy organism to culture, and they reproduce asexually, so their populations should grow faster and reach its carrying capacity before an animal population could reach its carrying capacity. Six vials were used, three replicates for each treatment. Using a stock concentration of 1000 individuals/mL, the two treatments of 400 and 800 initial individuals were used. A final volume of 20 mL
Spores were sown in the week of September 10th and no observations were made. First observation was made in the week of September 17th, Friday 3:08 pm, the control displayed some growth with flagella-like hair, however, no germination was observed. The treatment did not display any signs of growth, only air-like bubbles were observed. Second observation was made in the week of September 24th, Friday 3:10 pm, the control displayed germination, gametophytes were visible under the microscope, however, hermaphrodites were not significantly observed. The treatment still does not display signs of germination, only small green spores were observed under the microscope. Last observation was made in the week of October 1st, Friday 3:05 pm, the control displayed significant signs of growth, it appeared that fertilization took place and an embryo was in development. The treatment only displayed minimal germination, however, some spores appeared to be infested with fungus.
The experiment exams the biotic potential and environment resistance of two species, Paramecium caudatum and Paramecium aurelia, and compares their growth in the same medium. Paramecium aurelia grows better than Paramecium caudatum. The growth of Paramecium caudatum and Paramecium aurelia in one medium is shows that the growth curve of Paramecium aurelia is J-shaped and Paramecium caudatum has a tendency to the elimination. When they grow in different media, the growth curves are S-shape which indicate the logistic population growth. Biotic potential, and environment resistance will affect the population growth. The source of error is temperature.
This forum discussion will be focusing on Mycelium and how it may be used in the construction/building industry. Mycelium are large groups of hyphae, hyphae are the branching filaments or clusters of single cells in a fungus that grow in a web like structure and is the main vegetation part of the fungus. A hyphae is formed when a single female and male fungi fuse and the spore germinates. The fruity or flowering part of the fungus is a mushroom. Fungus is a decomposer and absorbs nutrients from the breakdown of the decomposed material by using its mycelium in a 2 stage process. The mycelium lives inside of decaying wood/logs, soil etc. The hyphae projects enzymes into the decaying wood which works to break down the larger molecular structures or polymers into smaller single molecule or monomers which the mycelium can easily absorb by facilitated diffusion and active transport. The mycelium continues to spread searching for water and food sources, when the food source, or a change in the environment changes like temperature drops or humidity rises, the mycelium will be triggered to produce another mushroom, and they cycle starts all over again with the mushroom producing more spores and releasing them with force in the surrounding area.
Many works of art such as paintings, sculptures, and architecture show a different subject matter. When looking at a piece of artwork, we might find a piece of artwork to be eye catching and interesting to us. There are times when we can understand a piece of artwork and there are times when it can be misunderstood, if you don’t understand the meaning behind it, especially if the artwork is not a common thing that we are use to seeing. There are different cultures that express themselves differently when it comes to artwork. Some might make artwork of the living and others might make artwork of the dead. Paying close attention to smaller details of the artwork can give the viewer a better understanding of the overall artwork that was created. There is always some type of history behind a painting,
Six experiments were carried in this report concerning the effect that different environmental factors have on microbial growth. The results were recorded into tables where (+) symbolises growth and (–) symbolises no growth.
Before starting all the biochemical tests, an inoculation procedure must happen. An unknown test tube was handed out which contained two different cultures. The unknown culture was place on a nutrient agar plate using the three-streak inoculation technique for isolation (Lab Manual, Chess 2015). After a few days of growing, the presence of two unknown bacteria had a clear visible of separation. Following the isolation streak technique, the gram-staining experiment was performed. The two bacteria were determined: one was Gram-negative bacteria and the other was Gram-positive bacteria.
We dipped the forceps in isopropyl alcohol to sterilize them. Then we quickly opened the petri dishes, inserted the substrate, and reclosed them to avoid contamination from airborne particles. To keep the environment moist, we added 1 mL of water to the petri dish. We shook the tube to ensure that we received an adequate number of spores. Using a micropipette, we took 50 microliters of each species of fungi: Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus stolonifer, and Penicillium chrysogenum. Each fungus was placed onto the orange peel in the petri dish. We then sealed each of the petri dishes with parafilm, taped them together, and then placed them in an incubator at 25°C. The samples remained in there for 1 week. After the week, we took them out of the incubator, and making sure not to open them, we observed the growth of each fungus. All of the petri dishes and samples were then disposed
For the first step, using clear 2cm wide cellotape and a wooden applicator stick to make a small cellotape flag (2x2cm). Using sterile technique, gently press the sticky side of the flag onto the surface of the culture. Remove and apply a drop of 95% alcohol to the flag, this acts as a wetting agent and also dissolves the adhesive glue holding the flag to the applicator stick. Place the flag onto a small drop of Lactophenol cotton blue on a clean glass slide, remove the applicator stick and discard, add another drop of stain, cover with a coverslip, gently press and mop up any excess stain. Then we can observe under the microscope the sporulation occurred from the fungi
3.2.3 Preparation, and sterilization of growth media, Semisynthetic media was prepared using the following 2g of potassium chloride, 0.5g Magnesium Sulphate, 0.2g iron II Sulphate, and 0.5 yeast extract, all were dissolved in one liter of distilled water in a conical flask. The solution was place into an autoclave at temperature of 1210c for 15mins and pressure of 15 pria to destroy any impurity that might inhibit the micro-organism in the system and allowed to cool to