
Summer Vacation Essay

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When I was about ten years old my family started going on vacation over spring break nearly every year. In the past we had been to Colorado multiple times, Mexico, and Florida, which we loved enough that we decided to come visit again. It was March 18, 2017, my freshman year of high school. Mom and dad told my younger sister and me that we could each take a friend on vacation with us this year. We wanted to take people that would be okay with us all hanging out together, with this in mind we chose our cousins Adri and Ellie. One specific day of the vacation, we spent on the beach tanning, boogie boarding, eating ice cream, playing volleyball, and jumping waves. Jumping waves was my favorite part, we stood about forty feet out in to the ocean. I was usually the type to stay up on the beach lying in the sand under the glowing yellow sun soaking up some rays instead of actually going out in the water. I was completely content with my eyes closed listening to the ocean waves and squawking seagulls reaching that golden tan. On this day the other girls came to me as I chatted with mom in the sand and told me how exciting it was out in the water. I thought to myself “You know what, why not go try it out.” I walked out in to the water looking down at the colorful array of seashells. Gritty sand ran between my toes as the chill of the water rose up my legs the further I ventured. I caught a glimpse of a beautiful red shell shining through the water. I picked it up, and a small burst

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